Easy Addictive Radish Dip

Today I present a recipe for super easy, super delicious radish dip. I ate an entire batch of it over the past two days which means a) I will smell like garlic for a week and b) I ate an entire block of cream cheese by myself. I’m not even sorry.

easy radish dip

My sister made this dip when she came to visit a zillion years ago. I was confused, because who uses radishes for anything?? They’re like the acid wash jeans of vegetables – they’re always AROUND and sometimes they’re trendy and maybe other people use them for stuff but for most people? No. Just no. Who knew they were actually delicious and spicy and perfect for a crunchy snack? Also, they’re perfect in this dip, which might be the easiest thing you ever eat way, way too much of in one sitting.

Easy Radish Dip

1 block cream cheese (regular or light)
6-7 medium sized radishes
4 cloves of garlic, peeled

Put everything in a food processor, blend until radishes and garlic are minced. Eat with crackers, carrots or more radishes cut into slices.

Add more garlic if you like things super garlicky. Add more radishes to make it a tiny bit healthier (less cream cheese per bite). Double it if you’re making it for a party. Enjoy!

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11 Responses to “Easy Addictive Radish Dip”

  1. Ana says:

    Mmm, this sounds good. Garlic makes everything better! We got a bunch of radishes in our CSA last winter and I made radish sandwiches (radish and butter). YUCK!

  2. Leah says:

    I am sending this to my sister so she can add it to her dip repertoire

  3. merin says:

    Awesome! I love radishes and saw some at the farmer’s market recently so maybe there will be some tomorrow. I wonder if using neufchatel cheese instead of cream cheese would be good too?

    • bebehblog says:

      It’s practically the same (I think that’s what my sister used the first time). Where are you going to a farmer’s market in February?!

  4. merin says:

    Stonington has one all winter at the COMO. It’s not huge but there are always apples, squash, potatoes, meat, the guys from Aiki farms and usually some hearty greens. Plus honey, soup, corn meal, eggs, etc. 10-1 every saturday.

  5. Rebecca says:

    This looks amazing! I actually love radishes and have always eaten them in salads although your comparison to acid wash jeans was spot on :) I can’t wait to try this recipe after lent (we’re going vegan…hold me!)

  6. Audrey says:

    I’m telling you radish chips are delicious. If we grow radishes again this year I will give this dip a try. Chris would love it, mostly because it means we’d have chips in the house. lol

  7. Amy says:

    I wish people besides me liked radishes in my family. Also, this sounds like it would be really good spread on a bagel.

  8. Tashina says:

    I did this recipe and it turned out delicious, but my family really loves meat, so I did have to alter it a bit. It turned out as a delicious Italian radish dip.

  9. […] Radish Dip – the recipe I used is from my Mama Baby Love cookbook, but it’s similar to this. […]

  10. […] Dip – the recipe I used is from my Mama Baby Love cookbook, but it’s similar to this. You can dip crackers, pretzels, or other veggies in it. […]

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