Posts Tagged ‘snacks’

My Week(359) in iPhone Photos

Wednesday, October 25th, 2017

I think a month is the longest I’ve ever abandoned this blog since I started it 9ish years ago. I didn’t do it on purpose. I actually wrote a bunch of things that totally would have been blog posts in 2009 but ended up as Facebook posts because it’s 2017. We’re not even close to halfway through with this deployment and although we’ve found rhythm and a schedule that works, it’s exhausting being the only adult in charge of 4 small humans. Even when they have playdates or activities – and I am SO grateful for everyone who has helped – I play chauffer and social planner.

But it would be unfair to quit trying to document everything now, when I know E is looking forward to catching up on everything he missed as soon as he can. So onward and upward, once again.


All three, living their best lives

Mystic Seaport is our happy place

My eight year old beat me at bumper bowling


We made slime every day for a week, then I got tired of scraping it off the floor

When both kids are awake and insist of being held at the bus stop

The CUTEST little soaps from The Rubber Ducky Soap Co


Checking out the candy deals

Pretending he’s a big kid

Watching sissy do cheer



Trashing the car while waiting for Caroline outside ballet


I have a peach vampire in the house

OK, bye, just go be a big kid

Trampoline heaven


The first of many, many vet appointments

HAPPY to go to school! YAY!

We put all those rocks in the kindness garden


Who can resist a selfie with a cow?

My little lambs

Another year at The Big E with friends

My Week(342) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, May 23rd, 2017

We have a lot of stuff going on over the next few weeks, which is good, because counting down to our Disney trip is making time pass SO SLOWLY. I’m terrible at secrets and I’m pretty sure I’m going to accidentally tell the kids sooner than I meant to. I’m still trying to plan how and when exactly we’ll surprise them, but because we had some unexpected reactions to rides at the amusement park on Sunday (Evan hated all the roller coasters and had to be coaxed onto even small rides) I think a few days of watching Disney vacation videos and YouTube ride-throughs will be a good idea.


Happy Mother’s Day to me!

Family Target trip

I’m so well loved


Re-entry into real life is hard

Real life is hard for toddlers too

A good summer sunset


Front porch life

Brother friends at the library

Evening walk


Can’t keep a kid out of a fountain

Downtown New London is pretty

No biggie, my sister’s wedding is just in a magazine


Monster attack

Robot vacuum tried to eat the baby

Cosmic Kids Yoga is their new favorite way to end the day


Aquarium date with some penguins

Friday night we had the aquarium all to ourselves

Eating french fries in a beer garden


We’re working on moving him to the crib with mixed results

Linc and I invented carrot cheesecake bars and they were delicious

We always play guys vs girls and for the FIRST TIME EVER the girls won both times

Linc has been napping for THREE HOURS and I’m almost caught up on Call the Midwife so even though I slept sitting up in a chair all night today is pretty good. Plus I have a whole fridge full of meal delivery dinners so I don’t have to stress about what I’m making tonight. Now if only the baby will let me eat something without holding him I’ll be a happy person.

Yo Ho Let’s Go! {Pirate’s Booty Giveaway!}

Monday, March 11th, 2013

Argh! Ahoy Mateys!

pirate's booty eye patch

Evan is kind of a big fan of pirates. “Kind of” might be an understatement – he is obsessed with pirates. It might be a universal boy stage, or it might be thanks to Jake, Cubby and Izzy on Disney Jr. So you can pretty much imagine how excited he was when he found this on the kitchen counter:

pirate booty treasure chest

pirate booty-6

pirate booty

pirate booty-9

That is our very favorite snack – Pirate’s Booty Aged White Cheddar – combined with our very favorite show – Jake and the Neverland Pirates.

The Limited Edition Jake and the Never Land Pirates multipack features Pirate’s Booty’s best-selling product – Pirate’s Booty Aged White Cheddar.  The pack also features Jake and the Never Land Pirates characters and games to keep the crew engaged during snack time.  The little treasures half-ounce size of Pirate’s Booty Aged White Cheddar is just 65-calories and is the perfect portion for the lunchbox or when on-the-go.

Our treasure chest came with some pirate swag too – an eye patch, some temporary tattoos and a super cool foam sword, perfect for all your toddler swashbuckling needs. The kids loved all of it. But the biggest hit was definitely the booty.

pirate booty-7

Caroline takes her puffed snacks very seriously.

pirate booty-8

Well, the pirate’s booty AND the eyepatch:

pirate booty-4

pirate booty-2

I was going to send the adorable little single-serving bags to Evan’s school for his special helper day (which means he brings snack) but they’re…mostly gone. The kids ate the first 12 within 24 hours. OK, maybe I helped a little. But it’s Pirate’s Booty! It’s so delicious!

Do you want to win your own treasure chest of new limited edition Jake and the Never Land Pirates Pirate’s Booty Aged White Cheddar snacks? Plus the other fun swag? Of course you do!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


I was sent a prize pack to eat and enjoy but no other compensation was received in exchange for this post. We just really love Pirate’s Booty. All opinions and photos are my own. Winner will be chosen by and Rafflecopter.

Easy Addictive Radish Dip

Friday, February 15th, 2013

Today I present a recipe for super easy, super delicious radish dip. I ate an entire batch of it over the past two days which means a) I will smell like garlic for a week and b) I ate an entire block of cream cheese by myself. I’m not even sorry.

easy radish dip

My sister made this dip when she came to visit a zillion years ago. I was confused, because who uses radishes for anything?? They’re like the acid wash jeans of vegetables – they’re always AROUND and sometimes they’re trendy and maybe other people use them for stuff but for most people? No. Just no. Who knew they were actually delicious and spicy and perfect for a crunchy snack? Also, they’re perfect in this dip, which might be the easiest thing you ever eat way, way too much of in one sitting.

Easy Radish Dip

1 block cream cheese (regular or light)
6-7 medium sized radishes
4 cloves of garlic, peeled

Put everything in a food processor, blend until radishes and garlic are minced. Eat with crackers, carrots or more radishes cut into slices.

Add more garlic if you like things super garlicky. Add more radishes to make it a tiny bit healthier (less cream cheese per bite). Double it if you’re making it for a party. Enjoy!

PackIt Review & Giveaway!

Friday, March 30th, 2012

We are a snack-loving family. At any given moment my purse contains at least three granola bars, string cheese, baby squeeze pouches, three sippy cups, fruit snacks, and apple and two snack traps. Snacks are great for keeping the kids busy while I focus on my workout at Stroller Strides. Carrying around extra snacks mean we don’t have to rush home in time for lunch if we’re having fun at the playground or want to make an impromptu trip to the aquarium. Snacks work well for both kids’ eating styles – Caroline eats TONS OF FOOD and needs snacks between meals while Evan is meh about eating his meals but is much more likely to snack. And bringing my own snacks for all of us means I am much less likely to swing through a drive-thru for “just a snack” and end up with an entire double cheeseburger meal and a milkshake (how does that happen?!)

So when my friend Alena asked if I’d be interested in trying out a PackIt lunch bag I said yes immediately. PackIt is a freezable personal cooler that keeps your food colder, fresher and safer for up to ten hours – no ice or bulky toxic ice packs needed. You just store the folded PackIt bag in your freezer until you’re ready to fill it and go!

I tried out a Personal Cooler and a Shop Cooler last week and loved them both. The Shop Cooler was perfect for keeping my ice cream, chicken nuggets and Cool Whip cold on the way home from the grocery store – even though I stopped to pick up a couple dozen bottles of wine on the way. Plus my Stop & Shop gives a 5 cent discount for every reusable bag you bring. Score!

The Personal Cooler was perfect for carrying the daily snacks that are better kept cool – cheese, yogurt, juice boxes, fruit, veggies, and milk. You know, the healthy stuff.

The yogurt is for me. And don't judge the disgusting American cheese slices or Caroline will come scream in YOUR face.

Still plenty of room for a sippy cup.

It fits in my bag! OK, so my bag is on the hugemongous side but it's still super handy.

My snacks stayed refrigerator-cold all morning, which was definitely more pleasant than eating soft, warm cheese that got squished in the bottom of my bag. And when we got home I just stuck the PackIt back in the freezer so it would be ready for the next day!

PackIt Coolers are PVC-free, BPA-free, lead-free, non-toxic, earth-safe and reusable. They fold compactly in the freezer for storage and keeps food cold at USDA-safe temperatures. They come in six sizes and tons of cute colors and patterns. PackIt even has a size for wine bottles – it’s like the KNOW ME. Check out all their products and get more information on their website.

How would you like to win a free PackIt Social Cooler? It’s perfect for picnics, a day at the beach, ball games, day trips and all the summer fun that’s quickly approaching.

To enter, just like PackIt on Facebook then come back and leave a comment telling me you did. So easy! I’ll leave the comments open until Friday April 6th at 5 pm and choose a winner using Make sure you use a real email when you comment so I can notify you if you win. Good luck!