27 Months
There isn’t any point pretending Little Evan isn’t a full-blown person-type human anymore. There’s almost no trace of baby left on him, as if every night in his bath we wash another layer off, revealing the Big Kid underneath. He carries a (toy) phone in his pocket for goodness sake. Next week he’ll be asking for the keys so he can pick up his friends for a movie. BUT I WILL SAY NO. At least not until he takes out the trash and feeds the dog.
I am constantly amazed by how much he takes in and remembers about our days and conversations. It makes me feel like all the shlepping around and packing and planning actually MEANS something to him, even if he is too young to remember it when he’s older. But when he’s still asking about “Farm? Sheep-baa? Go, mama? Friends?” a week after we went to the farm it makes me smile. It also breaks my heart that I promised him a ride on the horse-drawn carriage at Mystic Seaport last weekend but had to cancel due to my foot-sprain and every time we get in the car now he asks about the “horse-boat?” Soon, Buddy! As soon as I can walk I PROMISE.
He has a funny way of saying words that are more than one syllable that is totally adorable but means I have to serve as a translator with most grown-ups. (Kids, on the other hand, understand him even better than I do.) For example, he says “Plees. Car.” for “police car” and “Bass. Ball. Net.” for “basketball net”. He recently learned to love my singing – bless his heart – and will request songs by singing his own mini-version or with hand motions. His favorites are Row, Row, Row Your Boat, Baa Baa Black Sheep, You Are My Sunshine and Happy Birthday.
Little Evan took a four hour nap at some point last week and woke up 2 full inches taller. All the 24 month summer clothes I bought him are too small, and he’s safely in a 2T or even a 3T and a size 6 shoe. He’s still in a size 5 diaper and will probably be in them for a while. We’re taking a casual approach to potty training that’s not stressing anyone out but is also going to take a looooong time. But we’re OK with that.
Favorite things include books, running, pointing out basketball nets, his baby sister, boats, horses, Daddy, his friends, napping with his blankets, taking pictures, splashing and the iPad. Least favorite things include being tired, hearing no, water when he can’t touch the bottom, swallowing strange food (he’ll put it in his mouth and chew it up), and being buckled in the stroller.
27 Month Milestones (from BabyCenter, as usual)
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
• Jumps with both feet – Yes, jumping has always been one of his strong points.
• Opens doors – Yes, both the regular doorknob kind and the lever kind. Like, for instance, on our back screen door. Which means he can escape the house.
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
• Understands descriptions (e.g., big, soft) – I’d say about 80% of the time yes. He knows a bunch of colors, and big and small, and mama’s vs. dada’s vs. baby’s, and a bunch more. You can say “Evan, go get that round thing over there” and he will go get it.
• Draws a vertical line – He’s not too interested in drawing, but he can use his finger to make a straight line on an iPad (totally counts).
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
• Starts to recognize ABCs – Starts, yes. I’m thrilled to see this on the “advanced” skills for his age, because it seems like TONS of my internet friends have toddlers younger than Evan who already know almost all their letters. I was worried I’d been failing Evan somehow by not doing alphabet drills before and after every nap time. But how do you FORCE a 2 year old to learn his letters when he’s busy kicking balls and playing Angry Birds? Now that he likes playing with his VTech magnet letter thing he recognized a lot more of them.
• Balances on one foot – Yes, and I know this because he puts his pants on like a REAL PERSON now. I almost cried the first time I realized I didn’t have to make him lie down to get dressed.
Related posts:
Tags: 27 months, alphabet, little evan, miletones, monthday, monthday update, pictures, things I love, toddler, words
We have a similar approach to potty training that goes something like,
“Do you want to sit on your potty?”
“Well all right then.”
She should be trained by age 5…
I CAN NOT wait until JD can start talking about the things we are doing. I also can not wait for JD and Little Evan to meet someday because they are alike in so many ways! Oh, and I LOVE the angry birds pic :)
Mommy loves your monthday posts – they are a but of a preview of things to come! Although she’s not sure she *wants* me to lose my baby-ness!
WHAT is with the chewing food up and spitting it back out phenomenon? O will shove bites in his mouth, “Nom nom nom” and then spit it into his hand and give it to me. “Mommy done.” GROSS DUDE.
Oh my gosh, he’s so huge!
About the chewing and spitting out: that’s actually good! Let your kids try food with the understanding that if they don’t like it, they can spit it out. Studies show that kids who are given that “out” are more likely to try new foods, and more likely to enjoy new foods. Awesome!
Niko doesn’t take his clothing off or put it on. He can HELP, especially with putting his arms up for the shirt, but he doesn’t undress himself at all. Although he’s been having saggy britches lately and we’ve managed to get him to pull his pants up. So maybe he’s just not interested? OH NO HE IS FAILING MILESTONES WARNING WARNING ALERT ALERT ALERT.
Look at that little man! I was just there and he has changed so much already! Knock it off, kid!
BAHAHAHAHA….the angry bird pic, just priceless :) Stop growing kiddo, ok?
Too cute! It’s mind-boggling when it really starts to happen. I both can’t wait for Ben to get to that stage, and want him to stay a baby forever.
I wonder what would happen if we put our first-borns in the same room together . . .
On second thought. NEVERMIND.
Barf, potty training. We are going to do the whole relaxed thing too because quite frankly, I don’t know if I will EVER GET HIM TRAINED. Some days he shows interest, other days not so much. One of these days though…