My mom made virtually all of my baby clothing (ornate, fluffy, lace-dripping dresses) until I was 3 and my brother was born and I was freed to wear hand me downs from my male cousins. Sadly, I don’t think ANY of the dresses she made me have survived. :C
Those are totally gorgeous. When Sandy outgrows them you could make a quilt – my grandmother has made me and my brother a couple of quilts a piece out of clothes we wore as babies.
About half the dresses I have (the pic shows probably 1/5th of the total) were made by my aunt and grandmother. Then Grandma used the scraps to make a couple of quilts, so my mom’s got one with most of the fabrics already represented. My sister and I used to love sitting on the quilt finding all the fabrics that matched our/our doll’s clothes.
Ha! i was about to be all “um, i think those are dolls’ clothes, suzanne” because i completely remember the calico-looking ones (maroon + green) on our american girls dolls (/knockoff kirsten dolls).
You are so screwed Suzanne. How big is the closet in Sandy’s room? You might want to think about getting an armoire. You are going to need some place to hang all the dresses because, trust me, this is about 1/25th of the number you are ultimately going to have.
Bonjour! No I'm not French, it just sounded fancy. Sorry for the confusion. I'm Suzanne, a 37-year-old karate mom, cheer mom, photographer, Navy wife, blogger, baker, and amateur at pretty much everything else. The stars of the show are Evan, born 4/5/09, Caroline, born 12/19/2010 and Lincoln, born 7/23/2014. The last bebeh is Finnegan, born 8/30/2016 so he's a toddler now but don't talk to me about that. We live in Connecticut and enjoy it very much except for most of February and March. I love hearing from you so if you have questions, stories or ideas to share, email me at .
Affiliate disclosure: some of my posts contain links which may be affiliate links. That means I get Diet Coke money if you happen to like something I mention enough to buy it. I appreciate it!
You are going to have soooooo much fun dressing Sandy.
Wow! Awesome!
My mom made virtually all of my baby clothing (ornate, fluffy, lace-dripping dresses) until I was 3 and my brother was born and I was freed to wear hand me downs from my male cousins. Sadly, I don’t think ANY of the dresses she made me have survived. :C
You might like this, if you haven’t seen it already:
Those are totally gorgeous. When Sandy outgrows them you could make a quilt – my grandmother has made me and my brother a couple of quilts a piece out of clothes we wore as babies.
About half the dresses I have (the pic shows probably 1/5th of the total) were made by my aunt and grandmother. Then Grandma used the scraps to make a couple of quilts, so my mom’s got one with most of the fabrics already represented. My sister and I used to love sitting on the quilt finding all the fabrics that matched our/our doll’s clothes.
Ha! i was about to be all “um, i think those are dolls’ clothes, suzanne” because i completely remember the calico-looking ones (maroon + green) on our american girls dolls (/knockoff kirsten dolls).
they look lovely. i wish each dress had its own picture!
You are so screwed Suzanne. How big is the closet in Sandy’s room? You might want to think about getting an armoire. You are going to need some place to hang all the dresses because, trust me, this is about 1/25th of the number you are ultimately going to have.
AMAZING! lovelovelovelove and so forth. lucky bebeh giiiiirl! :D