Wordless Wednesday: Angry Birds Edition

{Since I KNOW you’re going to ask…I got the hat from Knitnut by JL, an adorable Etsy shop I found through Heartsy – which meant I also got an AMAZING deal. If you haven’t joined yet I highly recommend it. And if you follow my Heartsy link in the right sidebar (or that one you just read), I get a referral credit and will love you forever. Also, then I can buy Caroline the matching pig hat}

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13 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Angry Birds Edition”

  1. Sara says:

    love <3

  2. Love this! And definitely checking out Heartsy. Through your link, of course …

  3. Kimberly says:

    That is an awesome picture! I love his little face :)

  4. OH MY GOD!! I need that hat RIGHT NOW!!! Hmmm … maybe I should send the link to that hat to his Angry Birds addicted grandpa …..

  5. Jill at Knitnutbyjl says:

    Herro people, this is Jill from Knitnutbyjl. Thanks so much Suzanne for posting my link here. If anyone wants to purchase this hat just send me an convo. I probably won’t do hearsty deal for a while but I’m happy to give all of Suzanne’s friends 50% discount on this hat!

    Just convo me and let me know you are linked from here. :)

  6. I seriously love this, but I have got to stop looking at cute kids’ hats because Noah already has about 5 for this winter. And we live in Alabama.

  7. Angelia Sims says:

    Oh my gosh! LOVE! He is so adorable! I am just now on Angry Birds Seasons after completing Angry Birds Rio. I swore I wouldn’t get addicted to this game. HA!

  8. haha! super cute hat. i don’t actually shop online too much these days (apparently you need actual money to do that) but i registered through your heartsy so you could get a perk. (; xoxo!

  9. Amanda says:

    So cute! I got Z’s hat through a Heartsy deal too! I just ordered Maddie a Hello Kitty knit hat too.

  10. Anna says:

    i love this hat. Totally going to talk my husband into the necessity of getting it for Aidan.

  11. Mallory says:

    I love his angry birds hat!

  12. Cute, cute, cute! I’m amazed at all the cute stuff I can get for my daughter to wear; so much fun!

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