Happy New Year!
Happy New Year’s Eve to everyone! I will be spending my evening with the dog, kitties, E and Tiny E on the couch, being incredibly old and boring and not caring even a teeny tiny bit. I am 27 weeks pregnant today, with only 91 days to go – once 2009 gets here I can no longer say I’m having a baby “next year” and I plan to have a nice little mental breakdown in the next few weeks. Now I am off to buy enough mini-quiches and mozzarella sticks to feed the entire houseful of people we’re not having over tonight. That is if I can get out of my driveway without shoveling this ridiculously heavy snow.
Happy New year! I’m planning on eating as many pigs in a blanket and shrimp puffs as humanly possible while washing it all down w/ sparkling apple juice!
91 days seems so….soon!!!
Happy New Year to all y’all! I am so excited to meet Lowercase next year. And don’t worry, as I’ve been doing for the past six months, I will consume your share of the booze. And have your share of the hangover. Because that is what friends do. You’re welcome.
Happy New Year! Next year is the Year of the Mom. I’d be scared too, but you will do fine.
You should put a countdown on the site or something. Or a baby pool, which I’ve already suggested and am probably being annoying by suggesting again.
I want $1.25 Wal-Mart cheesesticks now. But I don’t want to go to Wal-Mart.
Could you call the baby LC? short for lowercase?
Countdown is now on the main page, let me know if you can’t see it. I don’t know how to do a baby pool, maybe I’ll just put up a post and everyone can put their guesses in the comments.
Happy New Year! Just think what you’ll have in your arms this time next year… :)
The countdown is adorable. And your idea of the baby pool is about what I was thinking, since I also am not sure how practical (or uh, legal) it’d be to have Internet people place monetary bets.
I am not an Internet people! I am a real people. And I have ten bucks on March 31.
I’ll put $10 on March 25.
Haha sorry, guys, didn’t mean to insult you: I know we’re real people, but I was unsure how we’d collect money since a lot of us just know each other via the Internet.
I’ll take March 27.
I’m taking April 2.