And I'm Feelin' Good
Two of my best and oldest friends got me a spa gift certificate for my baby shower, good for a pregnancy massage at the Red Door Spa in Mystic. I cannot emphasize enough how much any pregnant woman would appreciate this, but it was extra nice to have after a stressful weekend with quite a lot of family. A pregnancy massage is almost the same as a regular massage except you lie on your side instead of your stomach and the table raises your head and feet up so you don’t ever lie flat on your back. My therapist focused most of her attention on my legs and hips and even used a special gel that’s supposed to increase circulation and help with swelling. My joints definitely feel less stiff and I plan to do nothing but lie on the couch chugging water for the rest of the day to flush out my system. As much as I love all the adorable baby stuff I got for my shower, it was SO NICE to get something for just for me (actually, Evan’s cousin got me fancy bath stuff too – I’m going to bring it to the hospital for after labor). On behalf of pregnant women everywhere, I suggest spa gift certificates should be added automatically to baby registries. THANK YOU again to Sara and Erin for an awesome day.
You are welcome! I bet my massage tomorrow (the gift certificate was a Christmas present from my mom) won’t feel half that good. But I’m planning to enjoy the hell out of it anyway.
Ahh a massage sounds nice. But I’m pretty sure the lady would keep asking me why I can’t relax my back or my muscles or whatever. My shoulders are in an almost perpetual state of hunch to the point where I fear I will need to live in a belltower soon.
But I do plan to steal my mom’s personal massager (no really it is a massager, not one of those Texas massagers or something) next time I see her. I got it for her for Christmas, and she swears it’s saving her money in chiropractor bills.