Wordless Wednesday: Faces and Captions

Zombie baby sez: Your brains are next

Fashion baby sez: I hate what you're wearing

Grumpy baby sez: Get off my lawn!

Kissy face baby sez: KISSES

Skeptical baby sez: Bish, please.

14 year old baby sez: I'm too busy texting my boyfriend to talk to you.

DEAR GOD please save me from my teenage toddler.

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19 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Faces and Captions”

  1. Amy says:

    There is just something about the scraped knee in combination with the dress and faces that make her look like an awesome little lady. And trouble.

  2. OMGawsh, swoon at the cuteness!

  3. Oh my gosh, these captions have me ROLLING. Love love love it!

  4. Finn says:


  5. Sarah says:

    Haha the skeptical one is my favorite =)

    – Sarah

  6. Robin says:

    A very cute little series with perfect quotes.

  7. raincheckmom says:

    Your captions crack me up!

  8. Robyn says:

    The last one is definitely the best, hahaha!

  9. Erin says:

    Skeptical baby cracks me up!!!

  10. Olivia says:

    SO cute!!! Especially love the last picture with the phone, hilarious! Glad I came across your blog !:)

  11. Audrey says:

    1. I love her chubby little thighs in that last one. 2. I am so glad that your little redhead also has crazy hair on occasion. I was starting to feel like a terrible mother because Del has spent all winter with messy hair even though I totally brush it, like, all friggin day long. The recent humidity seems to be helping, though.

  12. Animom says:

    Too adorable! Caroline kills me…

  13. barbra says:

    you are so freakin funny! Love the captions!

  14. Jennifer says:

    She is so precious! Love all her expressions ~ priceless!!

  15. I’m sure your mom thinks Caroline is nothing like you as a baby ;).

  16. Kimberly says:

    Oh my goodness. The EYES on that kissy faced baby! too much!

  17. Mama Durso says:

    HILARIOUS!!! I laughed out loud at every single photo. Excellent.

  18. tricia says:

    i *may* have just laughed so hard, i peed a little. haven’t i said that before in a comment on your blog? you haz funniez.

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