My Week(318) in iPhone Photos
I’m a week late, but in my defense I have four kids. That’s basically the reason for everything these days. Why does your hair look like that? Why is there a hole in your pants? Why are you eating corn chips for breakfast? Why can’t you remember to mail Christmas gifts? How come your Christmas tree looks like it’s losing a fight?
Four. Kids.


I did not do this OR take this picture


Linc is obsessed with Octonauts

He also really likes my nativity

Watching Octonauts

TBH we BOTH fell asleep face down on the couch

Gross weather

Sleep smirking

We brush their hair and it STILL looks like that

Raise your hand if you are 3 months old

Pre-coffee tantrums are intolerable

Linc says these are Peso pajamas

I don’t even love them but this is REALLY good

Skeptical of his hedgehog shirt

Perhaps rightly so

Piano lesson car selfie (why is it SO DARK at 5 pm??)

Horse drawn carriage ride in Mystic

Prettiest advent calendar I’ve ever had

Demanding more Octonauts
It feels like we – especially Linc – watch a lot of TV these days. But that’s because four kids. If there’s a chance Finn will sleep for an hour or two we are definitely staying home and I need them to not act like wild animals. TV is really the only way that happens. 6 months from now we’ll be at the lake every day again and they’ll forget what TV even looks like.
Tags: baby, Caroline, Christmas, evan, family, finnegan, iphone photos, kids, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, naps, octonauts, siblings, toddlers, tv
I love your Christmas decorations here. It doesn’t look like that you have the four kids. Anyway, I love your kids too. They are so cute. If you have plans to give them gifts this Christmas Season, shop online here,, and surely you will get big discounts this Holiday Season.