Posts Tagged ‘photos’
Saturday, November 19th, 2016
This was The Bad Week. I’m going to do the most recent week’s post tomorrow so I bump it down the page quickly. I still don’t want to talk about it.
Mini sessions day 2
Photographer life means ALL the throw blankets
I have the best clients. This had Boston cream in it.
He was so excited about the fake oranges he needed real oranges
These are not outside shoes
Hates everything
Nope, don’t want to talk about it
They’re having fun, I promise
I “found” Everest, if by “found” you mean spent a crazy amount to replace the lost one
His hair makes me happy
More appropriate bus stop shoes
Her response to “Can I take a picture?”
Kid Chess has very different rules than real chess
Always so judgy
A bin of baby clothes I haven’t seen in 6 years
Another gorgeous day at the seaport
Outdoor nursing in November
Very focused on stacking
I need at least 3 more weeks of outdoors weather before I’m fully ready to commit to my winter hibernation. Or at a minimum, it needs to not be frigid until after we get the Christmas tree and the lights up. IT’S SOON. SOOOOOOOON.
Tags: baby, babywearing, bus stop, Caroline, evan, fall, family, finnegan, food, friends, fun, games, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic seaport, nursing, photos, seaport, shopping
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Monday, July 25th, 2016
I promise to have Linc birthday party pics up soon, but these are a) done and b) on a drive that hasn’t yet overheated so I still have access. Plus I like documenting our annual things the best, since I can go back and look at last year vs this year. (I took way more pictures last year, because I was way less hugely pregnant.)
Tags: boats, Caroline, E, evan, family, fishing, fun, kids, lake of the woods, lincoln, photos, summer, swimming, virginia
Posted in Photography, The Rest | 2 Comments »
Sunday, July 3rd, 2016
This week feels like it happened months ago. I was SUCH a mess just seven days ago, I can’t even believe I didn’t end up in the hospital. Fingers crossed that’s as sick as I get this pregnancy, I can’t handle any more than that.
You’ll notice a lot of messy house and couch pictures this week as a result of my convalescence. At least let’s pretend that’s why.
View from my sick bed
My children being kind and loving
My children being annoying because I don’t have the energy to stop them
Big kid swings
Little kid naps
Big kids nap too
He’s a Target Pro
With their Vacation Bible School goodies
He insists on walking up the stairs like this all the time now
New pregnancy craving: fresh bread
Seems like a perfectly good place to park
Evening lake life’
Sea Swirl is my favorite
They’re all obsessed with this statue in Mystic
A week of VBS plus lake equals SO TIRED
Bread thief
Storm’s a’comin’
I’m currently obsessed with film
Caroline is obsessed with changing diapers (we have a rash situation, I’m still using cloth mostly)
You should smell this lavender farm. It’s AMAZING.
Tomorrow Caroline starts Seaport Camp, which means she’s going to be an exhausted mess basically every night. But that just means she (and I) can go to bed extra early. I am toooootally fine with that. I’m getting to the point where I want to sleep as much as possible because I know in another 8 weeks I won’t be sleeping again for 2 years. I’m not really looking forward to that part of having a baby.
Tags: amos lake, Caroline, Connecticut, E, evan, film, food, iphone photos, lake life, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, photos, sea swirl, sick, starbucks, summer, target, vacation, VBS
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2016
I am so lucky that as part of my photography business here in Connecticut I’ve gotten to meet both lots of wonderful people and lots of wonderful photographers. My favorite might be Tiffany Joyce, who is a fellow Navy wife and crazy talented photographer based in Mystic. She came over for coffee a few weeks ago so we could talk about Making a Murder and I ended up asking her if she was interested in doing some updated family photos for us. She’s normally a wedding and engagement and couples session girl, but was kind enough for make an exception for my crazy family. Caroline LOVES Tiffany, probably because she has long blonde hair like a princess.
Tiffany is also the best because she agreed to go with my insane photo ideas, even though it was clear from the start they were NOT going to work out like they do on Pinterest. E joked we were definitely going to end up on Pinterest Fails, next to those Cookie Monster cupcakes. Honestly, I have no idea why I even thought it was possible for balloons to float straight up outdoors but she did her best and I love these photos too:
And their faces when they figured out what the balloons were about:
That’s as good as it’s gonna get, folks, pack up this circus and go home.
But don’t you dare ask the baby to walk up the hill! I promise he’s as excited as it’s possible for a 19-month-old to be about something he has literally no understanding of. I promise actual details coming soon!
Find Tiffany on Facebook and Instagram and hire her to photograph your wedding. Do it.
Tags: announcement, baby, baby 4, Caroline, E, evan, family, family photos, fun, lincoln, new baby, photos, pregnant, special announcement, tiffany joyce, waterford
Posted in The Rest | 14 Comments »
Sunday, October 25th, 2015
I was going to do this an hour ago but then I decided to watch The Walking Dead and (no spoilers) now I don’t really feel like it. EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE.
Ok, sure, I GUESS you can bring that birthday party snack in the car
Sunsets this week have been amazing
He would sleep in a mountain of blankets
I let Evan walk to the end of the street to put something in the mailbox and he was really excited
Being a big kid
A murder of crows, circling the bus stop.
He’s reaching for a leaf in my hand, he doesn’t actually know how to look at a camera
This is their new favorite game
This was outside my house all day, and after a lot of peeking out the windows to see what happened I think the elderly man who rented the apartment in that house passed away. So not interesting, just super sad.
Bare feets
Being a scary ghost
View from Bluff Point
View from Avery Point
Very nicely sharing the Panera buzzer
Toddler friends
It was VERY COLD by the ocean for my evening session
Even my husband got this right, and he doesn’t even care about my garden
The faerie village was amazing
Oh ok, go ahead and look 15
I am seriously drowning in photography work, which is both good (yay money! yay doing a thing I love!) and bad (my house is a disaster! we have no food!). I have a dress I need to return – by mail! I don’t even have to go to the store! – and it’s been sitting on my table for a week because remembering to put it in a package is too much. I suppose I could stop planning any fun fall stuff for the family and JUST take care of my messy house and grocery shopping, but that doesn’t sound fun either.
Just a couple more weeks and then it will be way too cold for anyone to want photos…right?
Tags: avery point, babywearing, buff point, Caroline, evan, fall, family, kids, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, photos, shopping, siblings, sunset, work
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »