Snow Day
It’s not technically a snow day, since we were already on vacation, but it was definitely a day full of snow. OK, maybe 45 minutes full of snow, 40 of which involved someone crying and/or whining. To be fair, it was really cold and the wind on the sledding hill was vicious – I didn’t want to be out there myself – but when you’re 3 it’s hard to understand that you can EITHER be warm OR play in the snow. But once we got home to our yard both the boy and the dog had a fantastic time pushing snow around.
p.s. I do not know why Caroline insisted on the Tinker Bell backpack, but she did indeed INSIST.
p.p.s. I got Evan’s coat and snow pants from Zulily and they were pretty much the deal of the century. He loves them and they kept him totally warm and dry despite being covered in snow. Not bad for $40.
p.p.p.s. Happy New Year!
Tags: brutus, Caroline, Connecticut, d7000, E, evan, family, fun, photography, snow, vacation
Looks like so much fun! Love the snow angel photos.
Suzanne, your photography is just so amazing! You made the snow come alive in the pictures. Happy 2013 :)!
omg i love all of that snow!! I miss snow so much. Too bad we don’t get near that much (if any) in Texas. Looks like a fun day!
Where did you get his gloves? And do they keep him warm and dry? I have a heck of a time finding gloves for Ev that will keep his hands warm and dry in the snow but aren’t enormously too large.
My mom bought them, I think they are Children’s Place. It helped that the coat has velcro around the wrists so I can tuck the gloves in and tighten the cuff so he has a hard time pulling them off (although he DID). They were very warm and very dry. I have gloves made with the same micro-fleece stuff and they’re SUPER great.
Caroline’s mittens might be the cutest thing ever.