Zoo Day June 2015
I have taken a TON of photos over the past week. I know you’re probably thinking “Um, but Suzanne, you ALWAYS take a ton of photos, why is this new information?” Really, I haven’t actually been taking photos. I’ve been trying to get used to wrangling 3 kids. It’s kind of been kicking my ass, especially in public. Even with Linc tied to my body I have a hard time, because he’s either grabbing the camera or his weight changes my center of gravity and I have a had time balancing to get interesting, in focus photos. Besides the
Besides the photo I take every day for my 365 project, I’ve hardly been doing any creative or documentary photography. This blog was built on me sharing photos of our adventures, so it’s really been suffering from that loss. Bebehblog started with a crappy point and shoot camera and evolved into somewhere I learned, shared and grew with my photography. I am hoping I can get back in the habit of documenting our lives with more than just my iPhone.
We went to the zoo with some of our favorite friends on Saturday to celebrate Z’s 4th birthday. Caroline and Z are like two animal-loving peas in a pod, so they a great time. We all did, because hanging out with friends is the best.
You would think my kids would be over goats by now, but you would be wrong.
Flamingo impression.
New zoo exhibit: Wild Gingers.
I just stopped in the middle of this post and thought “How did a photo of Baby Evan get in here?” The family resemblance is STRONG.
Linc’s first time getting to ride on a horse, and an up-and-down horse at that! He loved it.
Tags: Caroline, day trips, evan, friends, fun, hasbro big back yard, lincoln, photography, rhode island, roger williams park zoo, zoo