Worldless Wednesday: Clark Farms 2013

clark farms 2013-8

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clark farms 2013-30

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clark farms 2013-28

clark farms 2013-23

clark farms 2013-31

clark farms 2013-3

clark farms 2013-9

clark farms 2013-10

clark farms 2013-11

clark farms 2013-14

clark farms 2013-16

clark farms 2013-19

clark farms 2013-32

clark farms 2013-18

clark farms 2013-34

clark farms 2013-37



clark farms 2013-44

clark farms 2013-45

clark farms 2013-46

clark farms 2013-50

clark farms 2013-51

My kids were D O N E by the end. This is real life.

My kids were D O N E by the end. Our friends were a little more photogenic.

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6 Responses to “Worldless Wednesday: Clark Farms 2013”

  1. merin says:

    Love the Cami saggy diaper picture! Your kids were done but they are like, 6000X more amenable to being photographed than mine! We went back on Monday and you would not believe how few pumpkins were left.

  2. sarrible says:

    Giant green hay bale pig is my spirit animal.

  3. E says:

    Please tell me they have red bird things to throw at that bail of hay…

  4. raincheckmom says:

    Looks like you had the entire farm to yourselves! What a beautiful day!

  5. Erin says:

    My favorite is Caroline laying in the corn. LOL

  6. Audrey says:

    I like that they are both in the canteen photo because of his reflection. Looks like tons of fun, that place.

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