Wordless Wednesday: Apple Picking 2015

Remember when Wordless Wednesday was a thing and I could just post photos and people still came and looked at them?

But don’t look at these too much, for some reason the colors look terrible. Ugh.

apple picking 2015

apple picking 2015-2

apple picking 2015-4

apple picking 2015-5

apple picking 2015-6

apple picking 2015-7

apple picking 2015-10

apple picking 2015-11

apple picking 2015-13

apple picking 2015-14

apple picking 2015-16

apple picking 2015-17

apple picking 2015-18

apple picking 2015-19

apple picking 2015-20

apple picking 2015-22

apple picking 2015-25

apple picking 2015-26

apple picking 2015-27

apple picking 2015-30

apple picking 2015-32

apple picking 2015-33

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2 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Apple Picking 2015”

  1. Barbra says:

    So cute!! Where did you get the sweater the boys are wearing?

    • bebehblog says:

      Hanna Andersson (of course, right??). I bought them last year on clearance from the previous year – so they’re from the 2013 catalog? – but was smart enough to buy them big so they almost fit now and will probably still fit next fall. Aren’t they adorable?

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