My Week(202) in iPhone Photos
There is a lot of my face in this post, which is weird. I am not a selfie person, but when all you do is hold or nurse a baby there isn’t that much else to take pictures of.

That bubble gun is identical to the one we bought the exact same weekend last year. It lasted exactly as long (10 minutes).

Multitasking: feeding a baby, breaking in a woven wrap, transferring pictures, Facebooking and cuddling a cat. WHILE TAKING A PICTURE.
I am already done with this week and it’s only Sunday night. I haven’t felt this tired since the night I didn’t get any sleep because I was giving birth. And even then my back didn’t hurt so much thanks to the epidural. I plan to be in bed by 8 as many times this week as I can.
Tags: babywearing, bathtime, Caroline, evan, fun, iphone photos, knitting, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, school, the big e, things I love
I love Del’s! RI has great food. (I’m not a seafood fan, but my dad, a native Rhode Islandian – Rhode Islander? – loves it)
And yay, new iPhone?
Oh your gingers just slay me. All of them.
Thug baby, throwing gang signs with his intimidation face
I think Linc is thinking “OMG what is that smell?”
Did you use a pattern for the newborn hat? I love it!
Adorable kids + I will never be tired of these posts.
It’s called Little Daisies Newborn Bonnet. I found it free on Ravelry, I’m sure you could track it down online!