My Week(151) in iPhone Photos

It’s feast or famine this week: some days a took a ton of pictures, some days I took almost none. I think my real problem is I need yoga pants with pockets, so I can keep my phone with me all the time.


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I guess this weather is OK.

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Super excited to hang out with Daddy

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Sunday = Football


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Park to ourselves

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Nicely done, kind-of-sketchy-park, you look extremely respectable.

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We made it down this aisle without buying ANY candy. It’s a Stop and Shop Miracle!


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Cat as still life

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I live with a bunch of weirdos.


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Picture day at school mean cool kid clothes instead of the uniform

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I WANNA TAKE THE PICTURE! – tiny selfie addict

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Newborn session set up


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This is the only picture I have from Thursday. I can’t remember a single thing we did.


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Newborn set up on Friday (in my own room, where it was ONE BILLION DEGREES…but the baby loved it)


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I feel bad for the person whose job it is to keep these tables clean.

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Birthday cupcakes for the Cabbage Patch Kids!

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Watching trains from the train

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Passed out on the Metro North. It was a busy day!

This week is going to be bananas (B A N A N A S) so apologies if you’re staring at this post forever and/or for the extremely photo heavy posts I might put up instead. We’ve done a lot of fun stuff over the last few weeks but I’m having a hard time finding actual WORDS to talk about them instead of just letting pictures do it. But a picture is worth a thousand words, so really I’m writing like, 20,00 words a day. YOU’RE WELCOME.

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