Vote for the Worst Kids Show On Television! Round 1: Disney Jr

worst kids shows on television

It’s March, which means everything is all March Madness ALL THE TIME. Except in my house, because if there’s anything I hate more than basketball it’s teams I’ve never heard of playing basketball. I fully embrace that this might make me un-American, but to try to get myself into the spirit of competition Amy and I have created our own version of March Madness: Which TV show aimed at our preschoolers is the absolute WORST kids show on television? Can anything beat Dora’s screaming? Is Caillou the clear champion? Or can the Wonderpets come from behind to prove once and for all that they are sewious?

The game: we made “divisions” based on four channels (Nick Jr, Disney Jr, Hub and Sprout/PBS) and tried to keep it sort of limited to shows aimed at preschoolers, just to narrow it down.  We will each host two channels and voting will narrow things down to a final four, one from each channel, which will narrow down to an ultimate showdown deciding the worst preschool show on television. The bracket can be viewed here.

I’m hosting Disney Jr & Sprout/PBS and Amy  has Nick Jr & Hub.

Today’s face-offs are for Disney Jr! Let’s go!

choo choo soul vs sofia the first

Which is WORSE?

  • Choo Choo Soul (79%, 72 Votes)
  • Sofia The First (21%, 19 Votes)

Total Voters: 91

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mickey mouse clubhouse vs handy manny

Which is WORSE?

  • Handy Manny (70%, 63 Votes)
  • Mickey Mouse Club House (30%, 27 Votes)

Total Voters: 90

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gaspard and lisa vs higglytown heroes

Which is WORSE?

  • Higglytown Heroes (61%, 46 Votes)
  • Gaspard and Lisa (39%, 30 Votes)

Total Voters: 76

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octonauts vs jake and the neverland pirates

Which is WORSE?

  • Octonauts (67%, 58 Votes)
  • Jake and the Neverland Pirates (33%, 28 Votes)

Total Voters: 86

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3rd and bird vs special agent oso

Which is WORSE?

  • 3rd and Bird (56%, 43 Votes)
  • Special Agent Oso (44%, 34 Votes)

Total Voters: 77

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chuggington vs small potatoes

Which is WORSE?

  • Small Potatoes (62%, 52 Votes)
  • Chuggington (38%, 32 Votes)

Total Voters: 84

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immagination movers vs little einsteins

Which is WORSE?

  • Imagination Movers (72%, 63 Votes)
  • Little Einsteins (28%, 24 Votes)

Total Voters: 87

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sam sandwich vs doc mcstuffins

Which is WORSE?

  • Sam Sandwich (93%, 79 Votes)
  • Doc McStuffins (7%, 6 Votes)

Total Voters: 85

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Now go to Amy’s and vote on Nick Jr shows. And come back tomorrow for the Sprout/PBS showdowns!

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22 Responses to “Vote for the Worst Kids Show On Television! Round 1: Disney Jr”

  1. With every fiber of my being, I loathe Choo Choo Soul.

    • bebehblog says:

      I said something about how awful it once on Twitter once and Genevieve tweeted me back that she was sorry to hear that. I felt like a jerk but COME ON IT’S SO BAD.

  2. Leah says:

    There is almost no way Caillou isn’t winning this. Dora at least teaches kids some Spanish and self independence. Caillou teaches whining and alopecia.

    • Amy says:

      My guess for the final four pairing on Suzanne’s blog is Choo Choo Soul vs Caillou, which I find delightfully horrible. Of course I have never actually seen Caillou.

  3. Kelsey says:

    Okay, am I the only parent who loves Sofia the first? The songs on that show are kind of awesome, and who can argue with good old unicorn racing? Higglytown Heroes SHOULD win this bracket, but I’m not sure that people even know what it is.

    • bebehblog says:

      I actually like a lot of the Disney Jr shows! We watch a ton of Sofia and Doc McStuffins and Imagination Movers and I don’t hate any of them. Although if I never hear “We’re! At! A royal sleep! Over!” again it will be too soon.

  4. I did NOT like the match up between Jake and Octonauts. I like both those shows! Also, we watch WAY too much Disney Jr. thanks to Aric’s Mickey Mouse/Captain Hook addiction. I don’t think we’ve had Nick Jr. on in a long time. Off to Amy’s though to cast those votes! I love this game!

  5. Sarah says:

    I think Choo Choo Soul is completely awful. I think Octonauts is pretty great, though. I’ll only be able to vote in Amy’s channels – we have managed to avoid Nickelodeon around here…

  6. Audrey says:

    Huh. I can’t even vote in yours because I’ve only seen 2 of the shows and they aren’t against one! I can’t tell if I’m missing out or if I’m fortunate.

  7. Audrey says:

    If this were a Qubo or PBS thing I could probably nail it though. ;)

    • vanessa says:

      Same here! Qubo/pbs I could totally wing…and Caillou IS the clear winner. I change the channel everyday from PBS to qubo soley because of that whiney child.

  8. Kristi says:

    We like Octonauts and Jake. To be honest, Handy Manny and Mickey don’t bother me. Choo Choo Sould (aka Carlos Boozer) kills me… Third and Bird is right there!

  9. Stacia says:

    This is the best. There are a handful of kids shows I like…and dare I say…even get a bit excited when it’s an episode I haven’t seen before. I call Caliou as the winner, how that show is even on the air at all I don’t know.

  10. Meagan says:

    Oh is choo choo soul an actual show now??? I just thought it was that short interlude between shows. It makes my ears bleed. But I really like Sophia and Mickey and Doc McStuffins. I think I really like most show on Disney Jr. I can’t wait to see how this all plays out! :)

    • bebehblog says:

      It’s mostly an interlude (like Small Potatoes) but I cannot overlook what they did to Mary Poppins. TRAVESTY.

  11. Emily says:

    This is pretty hilarious. Though I haven;t even heard of half the shows… guess that makes it similar to real March Madness.

  12. […] can go back and vote in yesterday’s Disney Jr polls here and Nick Jr here if you missed them. Polls close Sunday night with Round 2 going up […]

  13. Kim says:

    This? This is a dream come true. So awesome.

  14. jen says:

    these are great. i’d be thrilled if imagination movers got the boot entirely – nina and knit-knots make me roll my eyes so hard it hurts. choo-choo soul was good in the beginning, the only tolerable song was the abc’s. we’ve fallen away from nick jr. which i am ok with. the only two i can really stomach are ygg and umizoomi. pbs – we’re a curious george family and that’s about it.

    i cannot wait to see the results and what gets eliminated!

  15. Jayme says:

    Imagination Movers just creeps me out. Like, you have a business! WHY do they get so excited and surprised when a customer rings their stupid bell?!? And I’m a little sad that those adorable British potatoes are losing. I love them. Choo Choo Soul and Gaspard and Lisa can go straight to hell though.

  16. Laura says:

    I’ve never even heard of most of these. I’m really hoping to keep it that way, although admittedly Shelby gets a lot of screen time these days. Way more than I’d like her to have. But a lot of what we put on for her is DVDs.

  17. […] See the full set and vote for the worst show on Disney Jr here. […]

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