Lincoln: 4 Months
Wednesday, November 26th, 2014TWO TEETH. TWOOOOOOO TEEEEEEEEETH. That is basically all I have to say about my baby this month. All our interactions involve his teething. Worrying about him, because teeth. Holding him, because teeth. Medicating him, because teeth. Gritting my teeth during nursing, because OMG TEETH.
I shouldn’t complain too much. He is awake slightly more often than he was before teeth. He has had a few hysterical screaming fits because they were bothering him, but it’s not a daily thing. He still sleeps either through the night or in nice big chunks of time after some 2 am comfort nursing. He still gets an A+ in general babying, but could definitely work on the whole “not getting any more teeth for a while” thing.
In other milestone news…I have no news. He still isn’t mobile in any way. No rolling, no scootching, no sitting up. Now that he’s big enough for the exersaucer (aka Circle of Neglect) he barely even tries to roll anymore. He can see us all just fine AND he can whack at shiny things. Win-win! As much as I would like a super advanced baby to brag about on the internet, it is very nice to have a happy lump who can still sleep in his rock-n-play without worrying he will climb out. Poor third child.
Likes: the dog, the cat, the tv, things that makes noise, singing, humming, being carried, being worn, sleeping, sleeping on people, smiling, diaper changes, pooping, Baby Orajel, his brother, his sister, his feet, cuddles, friends, water, the exersaucer, the playmat, the floor, biting things, having his picture taken, nursing, poking me in the eye
Dislikes: Baby Tylenol, sore gums, constipation, tummy time, pacifiers, when no one is looking at him
4 Month Milestones (Originally from BabyCenter, via Caroline’s 4 month post)
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Smiles, laughs – Is at level 11 on the 1-10 happiness scale
Can bear weight on legs – Moooooostly? He isn’t as interested in practicing as the other two kids were
Coos when you talk to him – Talks, coos, babbles, is generally adorable.
Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
Can grasp a toy – He can even get them into his mouth
Rolls over, from tummy to back – FINE, BabyCenter, maybe I’ll let him at least TRY.
Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Imitates sounds: “baba,” “dada” – He’s trying, but nothing like dada yet.
Cuts first tooth – TWO. TEETH.
May be ready for solid foods – Maybe. Who knows. I’ll ask at his checkup on Monday but I’m not really in too much of a hurry.