Despite the fact that this WASN’T a typical week (hellooooooo single parenting) it was about as typical as any of our weeks are. Stroller Strides, playground, errands, cooking, lots of sleeping babies. But we survived and had fun and no one’s eyes rotted out because of too much Nick Jr. or starved to death because all they ate was Goldfish crackers.
Yes, Hello, We will buy ALL the pumpkins.
The portabello mushrooms were really just a goat-cheese-face-delivery device.
Late night toddler party
I ruined a beautiful morning by exercising.
Playdough playgroup
It is a universal truth that water from a faucet tastes better than water from a cup.
Does this LOOK like the face of someone being naughty?
I refuse to let him even try the big kid swings. He's not allowed to not need me!
Bebeh toes
So close, yet so far away. Victims of a cruel mother.
Dreaming of a quiet bath of his own
No YOU were just dancing to the Olivia theme song
She loves this book.
Riding dirty (on the side of the shopping cart).
Too busy playing dollhouse to get dressed.
I like this.
Fine, if you won't let me eat those Oreos you snuck into your cart I'll eat my shoe.
My husband brought me a nice healthy salad for lunch...
...and then I went shopping for CARBS AND MEAT. Caaaaaarbs.
Caroline says "Gimme the boobs or I'll pop a cap in you, Mama".
The coming week is going to be ALL CRAFTING ALL KNITTING ALL BAKING ALL HALLOWEEN ALL CLEANING ALL THE TIME. It’s E’s last week before he starts design school (spoken lots of time out of town in a hotel) and I have a Halloween party that miiiiight have gotten a little out of hand to prepare for. It’s going to be super fun (and super bad for my diet) and if you’re reading this you should definitely come too. I’m forcing my whole family to wear Halloween costumes. Come back on October 31st for some EPIC pictures.
p.s. I’m also probably maybe sort of thinking about upgrading my iPhone so these weekly roundups aren’t such a blurry mess. I think that would be a good way to end my FULL YEAR of iPhone photos.
Did you take any camera phone photos this week? Link up with one or lots using the linky below and grab the code (so it shows on your blog too!) over at Amy’s . It’s really fun!