Posts Tagged ‘park’
My Week(157) in iPhone Photos
Sunday, November 3rd, 2013It really might as well be week one million. It feels like week one million.

Don’t worry, I pulled over before I took this picture out the car window of the regatta in the river

I bought ALL THE GROCERIES. I also broke my crock pot (the second one!) so I can’t make half the stuff I planned.

We have too many couches right now, but at least it means they can watch iPad OVER THERE and leave me alone.
E’s submarine was commission on Saturday, which means they’re one step closer to being a fully functioning boat that goes to sea. That is both good news (no more shipyard!) and bad news (deployments) but it also means he’s going to be working even more over the next couple of weeks. Since this is still the busy season for pictures too, I suspect there will be a lot of late nights for the next month. Although it hardly matters now, since it’s 4:55 pm and PITCH BLACK outside. Thanks for nothing, daylight savings time.
In blog news: I’m about 3 meals into a brand new round of What’s For Dinner – which I haven’t done in a crazy long time – and it’s nice to be cooking new stuff again. I can only handle taco salad and spaghetti so many times before I give up and let my family eat pop tarts and grapes for dinner. So watch for that sometime next week!
My Week(145) in iPhone Photos
Sunday, August 11th, 2013Welcome to August in New England, where the weather cools down juuuuust enough to make life bearable, the days are still super long, and the kids can SENSE that I’m shipping them off to school soon so they start demanding the playground every day.
E’s hours are still killing him, but we managed to fit in some family time today, which was super fun. He even put up a curtain rod we’ve been meaning to put up for seven years. Maybe in another seven years we’ll fix the shower door that’s been broken since we moved in! No, probably not. That clothes pin keeps it closed pretty well.
My Week(134) in iPhone Photos
Monday, May 27th, 2013So sorry, so late, so not really caring because of the holiday weekend.
It’s 9 pm Monday night, which means the long weekend is officially over. E actually got 2 full days off and we fit in as much fun as possible – TWO parades on Monday! I also took pictures for two different friends and I’m buckling down to get my editing done. I’m actually HOPING for rain at least one day this week so I don’t feel bad keeping the kids inside. I’ll make up for it with a beach or two when it hits 85 later in the week.