Sunday, December 5th, 2010Bad lazy blogger is actually neither bad nor lazy.
I’ve been in the hospital since early morning Friday thanks to a fever that won’t stop spiking. It took them until this morning to figure out I have an E coli infection in my right kidney – the side I had the stone removed from – and until 30 minutes ago to decide which of the 3 different antibiotics I’ve been on will probably do the most good. But even though they’ve been trying to kill this thing since Friday I was still spiking fevers as of 4 am this morning and they won’t even consider letting me go home until I’ve been at a normal temp for 24 hours.
The good news is I know almost everyone on the OB floor really well by now and they actually believe me when I say “I think I need drugs/ice/water/another round of drugs.”
Right now, just being able to sit upright long enough to type this out is a huge improvement. I’m hoping to get out tomorrow so I can go home and have my mommy take care of me (did I mention she dropped everything to drive up today? She’s a good mommy) instead of spending the rest of my pregnancy in this bed.
Of course, during my last non-stress test (where they monitor the baby’s heartbeat) I had a whole set of “real” contractions that my nurse called “beautiful” for a 37-week pregnant woman and predicted if I kept having them I’ll have a baby sooner rather than later. So who knows.
Thanks again for everyone who’s been super supportive on Facebook & Twitter and a special thank you to my friend & neighbor Gretchen who dropped off dinner (and banana bread!) for the boys last night so they wouldn’t starve. All your thoughts and prayers mean the world to me.