Posts Tagged ‘farmers market’
Friday, October 27th, 2017
What day is it? Where am I? When was this? All the weeks seem both a million years ago and like they are still happening right now.
Sleeeeeeepy baby
This is Lincoln running away because I am the meanest
The kids are doing yoga right now while I am typing this recap
Pajamas on the porch
When he outgrows these boots, he’ll go barefoot forever
Picking up Brutus at the vet
Stupid bug bite turned into an INSANE rash
Sure, that’s normal.
Someone wasn’t getting enough attention
Sick, miserable kiddo
Back to the doctor for some prednisone
Farmer’s market night
The price I pay for sleeping in for half an hour
Corn maze adventure
Caroline does handstands, Finn shares his juice
The weather went from being full-time amazing to rainy and dark and it reminds me that in a couple weeks daylight savings will end and it will be dark by the time the kids get home from school. AND THEN WE STILL HAVE TO GO TO ALL OUR ACTIVITIES. I do not love this part of the year in New England. At least in a few weeks I can start on Christmas and that will cheer me up.
Tags: Caroline, Connecticut, corn maze, evan, fall, family, farmers market, finnegan, food, halo top, iphone photos, kids, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, sick, yoga
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Tuesday, December 22nd, 2015
Hey look! My blog is working again! It is no longer infected with vicious malware because my host company fixed it. Which is good, because I have literally no idea how that happened OR how to fix it. So here’s last week’s post, late but done.
Very excited
Luke and Yoda
Very scenic view of Groton Long Point
My UPS guy is very busy
Warrior baby
Santa is delivering these to Linc and Caroline
Helping wrap presents, because babies should totally have scissors
Evan’s “can” sentence: “She can be a superhero”. THAT’S RIGHT SHE CAN.
Seriously in love with my Rocksbox this time. I might keep the necklace.
This is their favorite game
Sleepy baby
That’s not my fairy!
Fish girl
Surprised face
Destroyer of worlds
Grown up cards night
Caroline really thought we should keep them
Polar Express train at bedtime = tired baby
But he woke up for the cookies and Santa
Three more days until Christmas and it’s currently 60 degrees outside. We might go to Boston on Christmas Eve because it will be warm enough not to bring coats for walking around. I’m still not complaining, because I am sure we’ll be burried in snow before spring.
The rest of my plans for this week include making fudge and cookies and letting the kids eat as many sweets as they want because Christmas. I love Christmas.
Tags: baby, books, Caroline, Christmas, E, essex steam train, evan, family, farmers market, fun, holidays, homework, iphone photos, leggings, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, nutcracker, polar express, shopping, siblings, swim
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Monday, September 1st, 2014
200 WEEKS of mostly terrible, blurry, boring photos of the normal stuff we do every day. I have no idea why I’ve kept this up for so long but I’m glad I have. The first week I did it, I was pregnant with Caroline. This week, she went to her first day of real school. Never has 200 weeks seemed so short.
Grocery shopping with 3 kids is a pain, but a baby who sleeps the whole time makes it better
This haircut cost me $37 – $17 for cut + tip, $20 for the Legos I promised him if he just SAT STILL
“This chair is like my THRONE!”
Making zucchini bread in our pajamas
That Lego set was totally worth the $20
He sleeps with his eyes open. NOT CREEPY AT ALL.
“Mommy, I love love LOVE Baby Lincoln!”
Showing off his kindergarten cubby at orientation
No one wants to hold my hand when Daddy makes an appearance.
All summer long the kids have been up at 6 am. I took this at 7:10 on Evan’s first day of school.
It’s such a shame she’s so shy and quiet.
Linc agrees that school starting is very exciting.
Obviously they’ve got the moves
I think her first day was fun?
Entertaining ourselves with shadows while we wait (FOREVERRRRRR) for Evan’s bus
I really hope she comes out of her shell at school.
Showing off his brother to his best friend
Farmer’s Market night gets an A+++++ for food and friends
I spent most of the morning like this. It was lovely.
They’ve never met a big, flat field they didn’t want to run across
My photography assistant fell asleep on the job. Again.
And there you go, 21 more unremarkable pictures of our life. The only thing that’s going to change in the near future is I’m going to upgrade my iPhone, so maybe my pictures will get slightly better. Although not more interesting. We’re pretty boring, and I’m OK with that.
Tags: baby, Caroline, cooking, E, evan, farmers market, friends, haircut, iphone photos, lincoln, naps, school, shopping, summer, week in iphone photos
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 5 Comments »
Sunday, August 17th, 2014
Even if you have a pretty good baby, they still keep your hands busy a LOT. Which makes blogging and photo editing hard. I have literally a thousand photos to share but will be lucky if I get 10% of them edited and posted in the next 6 months.
I am really, really looking forward to school starting.
That is Linc’s “WTF are we doing in New Jersey?” face. Just a rest stop baby, chill.
She hearts books
Deep end of the big pool!
This is not an effective way to grocery shop.
More books!
I bought that outfit 5 years ago, when it was already too small for Evan, thinking my next baby would wear it. I took the tags off right before I put it on Linc.
New London! Surprisingly scenic!
He’s too cool in his TooQool
Aunt Carolyn brought him an elephant from Rwanda. The kids thought he needed to sleep with it NOW.
I love when baby stuff shows up in my mailbox. Especially when it’s useful baby stuff.
Up feeding the baby, all I can think is how much my closet needs to be reorganized.
They are singing sea shanties.
GORGEOUS day at the seaport
Aunt Carolyn read A LOT of books
Pensive? She’s going for thoughtful.
Farmer’s market = 3 year old heaven
That was my dream car when I was a kid too.
He’s going through a Lego phase again
Milk drunk
I showed her Grease for the first time. It was a hit.
The weather this weekend has been GORGEOUS and I have enjoyed it…from my couch. After more than 5 weeks of house guests/traveling it is really nice to just sit down. Of course, it was really nice to have other people do all the cooking/cleaning/child minding too, but I have to get used to running the house and managing 3 kids at some point. So far they are all still alive. High fives!
Tags: baby, Caroline, evan, family, farmers market, fun, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic seaport, new london, swimming, target, toys, travel, tv
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 4 Comments »
Monday, October 14th, 2013
My excuse for being so late is “The Holiday Weekend Confuses Me Every Time”. Just ask the poor cashier and Big Y who wasn’t quite sure how to handle me falling to my knees and shouting “Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo!” when I asked why the beer curtain was down on a Saturday (it was Sunday).
Do I need to explain “beer curtain”? Is that a thing anywhere else?
Faaaaaalllll! Leaves!!!!!
Tank tops and snow boooooooots!!!!
More fall. That’s really all I’ve got right now.
We both needed a nap on Monday.
I’m really excited to finish editing these.
Cool fish sculpture that fills with water when it rains so the fake fish have somewhere to fake swim.
Every curb.
It was a really good way to spend the afternoon.
Who can pass up a deal like that?!?!
Ready for a terrible storm…in the children’s museum.
My only photo: Caroline staring out the door for Daddy. I FEEL YOU, GIRL.
Pre-school selfies
Aquarium date
Fall leaves & 80 degrees
Last farmer’s market of the season (so they BURNED IT DOWN!!!)(kidding)
AND a grown up date with some of my favorite people and a mountain of food
GORGEOUS lakefront property for my morning photo session
Basically everywhere in Connecticut is gorgeous right now.
Despite his face, he was very happy to be there.
And now I chain myself to the couch for the next week to catch up on my work. I might stay up way past my bedtime to get some personal editing done too, since I FINALLY dressed up my family and tried for some Christmas card shots of our own but owe photos to 6 other families first. Once again, NOT COMPLAINING, being busy is the best thing ever. I just need to get faster…and maybe turn off my internet connection so I can’t get distracted while I work. Stupid Candy Crush.
Tags: aquarium, arboretum, bozrah, Caroline, Connecticut, evan, fall, family, farmers market, food, fun, iphone photos, mohegan sun, my week in iphone photos, mystic, photography, sessions, shopping, work
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 3 Comments »