Posts Tagged ‘dinner’

My Week(349) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

They put sheet rock up in my kitchen today, so I’m feeling slightly better than I was yesterday. I’m starting to think someday they might actually finish.


Fat baby loves swinging

These were delicious

It actually looks WORSE now


I hope he never stops taking couch naps

Salt marsh sunset


Family walks

The baby who eats anything




Private beach

Happy baby


Such Pinterest-worthy decor in this nursery


She doubts her daddy’s cooking skills


At least the shower is done

Saw this on a chair at Seaport Camp. Pleased we picked a good camp.

Tasted even better than it looked


My favorite cat

Caroline loves fireworks

Finn does not love fireworks


Thursday, March 23rd, 2017

There isn’t much going on here right now, besides just life. Busy, messy, noisy, imperfect life.

There are no more babies coming, no super exciting new announcements or changes.

Babies are getting older. Kids are learning new things.

Most surfaces are sticky at least 73% of the time.

There is nothing picture perfect about mismatched socks and eating lunch on the floor.

These weirdos are in some sort of contest to see who drives me to break open a bottle of wine before 5 pm.

But they’re my weirdos.

And every day I’m reminded that someday they’ll be real people who are supposed to go out into the world and have their own lives.

(Seriously, buddy, I won’t be wiping your butt forever.)

And I just hope that until then I can remember that this too shall pass. The bad stuff and the good stuff. So things like Caroline’s 400 scraps of paper everywhere…

…and the crayon scribbles on every surface…

…and tiny fingers stuck into the sour cream while I’m making dinner are all going to be over way, way too soon.

I started this blog as mostly just words and more words and more words. I thought that was the best the way to document how I felt about my new life as a mother. But these days there aren’t any words. Or maybe there are too many words and I just don’t have time to find the right ones. There are SO MANY words in my daily life that I need something bigger to show, not tell, future me about these days I am sure I won’t remember. I’m so thankful I found photography.


My Week(329) in iPhone Photos

Wednesday, March 1st, 2017

Basically all my photos this week are of children napping. But don’t let that fool you, that doesn’t mean I get to sleep at all. Hahahaha wouldn’t that be nice.


Working on the guest room makeover

E is a super villain, it takes all of them to bring him down

Blue Apron for dinner


Passed out

Fighting crime



Living the toddler good life

Lap naps are our favorite

Life is unfair for 2 year old


Someone is tired of Target (IT’S NOT ME)

But he still likes the snow

This one was Hello Fresh and super good


They’ve reached a truce

Look, relaxing!

Reading nook is done


More lap naps

Superheroes need cupcakes


Didn’t even make it out of his pajamas


All those naps make one happy baby

I only seem to be able to blog every 3rd week or so, no matter how much I have to say or what happens. If this was a real job, I’d be the worst employee ever. Sorry, I can’t do any work this week, I can’t remember how to manage my time efficiently enough to eat food, maintain a very low level of personal hygiene AND accomplish anything.

My Week(323) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, January 10th, 2017

Welp, it’s officially the part of winter that tries to kill me every year. It is dark. It is cold. I have two small children who can’t be outside long enough for me to get more than 10 minutes of sunlight, and 10 minutes is not enough sunlight. I don’t like babywearing when it’s slippery. I don’t like driving in the snow or rain. Basically, I just stay home and wallow and eat too many cookies and pray for April.






Shopping is not his fav

He throws up on me every time, but we’re working on it

Happy baby


Other people’s train tables are better than your own

Fruit snack time

This was her idea of a “fun pose”



Organizing my kitchen, one cabinet at a time

Lashes. Unbelievable lashes.


He loves the snow

But it’s easier when you have friends over

Exhausted tiny human


Snow day crafting

The only warm place in our house was right here

So. Much. Chopping. involved in a Blue Apron meal

My Week(319) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, December 20th, 2016

I was looking for an old post on the blog this week and ended up scrolling through tons of these iPhone photo posts from weeks 210-220. It was SO fun to see what we were doing 100 weeks ago (Evan was getting head stitches, I wore Lincoln in a lot of wraps, Caroline smiled). So even though this is a full 2 weeks late, I’m vowing to catch up and do better in 2017.


Baking day!


Most of these are gone now.


You go to the bus stop, I’ll stay on the porch out of the snow.

Penguin wearing

Making kale salad (which was delicious)


Kitchen helper

Seriously, my kids LOVE cooking

At the Polar Express


Cute brother time

King of Bedhead

More cooking


Blanket? Scarf? Blanket scarf!

I keep wearing this kid so I never get to wear the baby

Cookie makers


Very patient cat

Snoozing through the Velvet Mill Holiday Market

Stuffing his face with dinner cupcake


They asked me to take their picture and posed

Again, this was at Caroline’s request


That last picture is from the day we took our family photos so I could order Christmas cards. Today, most people should GET our Christmas cards in the mail, thanks to my quick editing, remembering to buy stamps last week, and Minted’s amazing addressing service (not sponsored, I paid them a ton of money for cards, but the envelope address printing is SO WORTH IT). Almost all the wrapping and gift buying is done too, so most of this week I just get to relax and do Christmasy stuff like more baking, planning fancy Christmas appetizers, and watching Christmas movies. I might even get a long winter’s nap or too, because E has most of the week off. IT’S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR.