Posts Tagged ‘bus stop’
Saturday, November 19th, 2016
This was The Bad Week. I’m going to do the most recent week’s post tomorrow so I bump it down the page quickly. I still don’t want to talk about it.
Mini sessions day 2
Photographer life means ALL the throw blankets
I have the best clients. This had Boston cream in it.
He was so excited about the fake oranges he needed real oranges
These are not outside shoes
Hates everything
Nope, don’t want to talk about it
They’re having fun, I promise
I “found” Everest, if by “found” you mean spent a crazy amount to replace the lost one
His hair makes me happy
More appropriate bus stop shoes
Her response to “Can I take a picture?”
Kid Chess has very different rules than real chess
Always so judgy
A bin of baby clothes I haven’t seen in 6 years
Another gorgeous day at the seaport
Outdoor nursing in November
Very focused on stacking
I need at least 3 more weeks of outdoors weather before I’m fully ready to commit to my winter hibernation. Or at a minimum, it needs to not be frigid until after we get the Christmas tree and the lights up. IT’S SOON. SOOOOOOOON.
Tags: baby, babywearing, bus stop, Caroline, evan, fall, family, finnegan, food, friends, fun, games, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic seaport, nursing, photos, seaport, shopping
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Saturday, November 12th, 2016
Late again. Honestly, for most of the week it was a miracle I kept my family alive, there was no chance of me blogging. I don’t talk about politics much here, partly because it doesn’t come up when I’m mostly sharing photos of my family, partly out of a desire to avoid conflict and partly so my parents don’t have to constantly pray for my soul (we have…very different opinions on many things). But in this case I feel like I need to be clear: I am devastated and shocked, to a degree that has surprised me. I wasn’t at all prepared for these feelings and I’m struggling. I don’t expect my blogging schedule will get any better in the next few weeks.
Caroline’s favorite hobby
Still gotta catch ’em all
The location of one of my best photoshoots to date
Couch naps are happening here more and more
Sure, why WOULDN’T you hit me with a stick?
Trick or treating
This bear was such an excellent purchase
Bus stop hand holding
Edit all day, edit all night
We really like fall
One of the last days where the sun doesn’t set before 5 pm
Rolls on rolls
Snuggle all day
These pants tho
Evan’s face when Linc meets him at the bus
His head is SO ROUND
Someone found the donut holes
Card night
Every kid at mini sessions asked if this was a haunted cabin
I love working
I do not love this new hairstylist
I’ve spent the last two morning in Mystic, enjoying the fall weather and sunshine and refusing to let myself wallow. They also sell fudge. That might be the real reason I’ve managed to drag myself out of bed.
Tags: bus stop, cards, Caroline, evan, fall, family, finnegan, fun, Halloween, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, pokemon, work
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Thursday, October 27th, 2016
I’m going to write a real post. Soon. Maybe even 2 posts. I have thoughts and things to say about going from 3 children to 4, about how our routine is working, and about how my big kids are becoming more responsible. And Finn will be 2 months old in just a couple days so I’ll have that one up too. Blogging is hard.
Perfect outdoor weather
These are not my chickens but I really like chickens
Two parties in one day = sugar overload
Cupcakes are a poor choice in a bounce house
Camel wearing
Finn’s face looks like this about 87% of the time
The only thing I did all day was clean this up
Bus stop face
A+ sibling interaction
Playgroup art is high quality art
Playgroup is also exhausting
Seat stealer
Helping change the sheets
My favorite tree
After school shenanigans
The only place he’s sleeping right now
The huge bear was an excellent purchase
Rounded head ever
This was not as good as I had imagined
I had a photo shoot yesterday and needed someone to watch the kids, so I bribed my friend Steph into doing it by promising her a photo of her kids for their Christmas card. That meant she watched seven children under the age of seven. So when I’m feeling overwhelmed by my four, I just keep reminding myself at least there aren’t three more of them all the time.
Tags: baby, babywearing, bus stop, Caroline, chickens, Connecticut, evan, fall, finnegan, friends, ipad, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, naps, party, shopping, soccer, target
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Monday, October 3rd, 2016
This week is a pretty good example of my new normal. Except for every photo of anyone looking happy, imagine 15 photos of me shouting at them for being feral monsters.
Antique car day at the seaport!
The new exhibit building was…underwhelming
Successful fun day achievement unlocked!
Very normal toddler for sale
Taking up as much space as possible
It’s a good thing I can drink again
Rainy morning bus stop
Wasted a LOT of time trying to make this photo work
Still surprised by elevators
Old Man Grumps
Bedtime snuggles
Everyone goes to school with leaves in their hair
We found a use for the giant bear
Too cute for words
Whats up?
Linc REALLY loves Finn
Watching movies with his camel
Very scary Halloween decorations
Hunting Pokemon in Mystic
This current week is going to be the opposite of normal. It’s going to be bananas. I might not even try to do a week in iPhone photos until next weekend. Although I’m pretty sure I triple booked myself for THAT weekend so it might be bananas too. Basically, everything between now and Christmas will be bananas.
Right now I am going to go clean up some of the house disaster and switch the laundry because the baby is asleep and if I don’t do those things now we’ll be one step closer to the spiral that ends with me being crushed to death under a pile of clean laundry that no one has put away for 4 years.
Tags: baby, babywearing, bus stop, Caroline, E, evan, family, finnegan, Halloween, kids, lincoln, mystic, mystic seaport, nap, newborn, siblings
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 1 Comment »
Monday, September 26th, 2016
So much baby(toddler)-wearing this week! Linc needed the cuddles and Finn was still so sleepy he doesn’t care. He’ll be attached to me all the time soon enough.
There are approximately 500 of these on my phone
This is not how you ride a horse
My super professional newborn studio set up
Post office assistant
Where’s Lincoln? No really, where did he go? I keep losing him.
Best photo of the week
Linc calls him “Ev” and loves him so much
New ups!
He doubts my choices
Picture Day!
More toddler ups!
Morning light
Bus stop selfie
I need to try this shot again, but for an iPhone photo it’s not bad
House status: trashed, forever
Where is that baby rolling to? (Also, What is resistant?)
We need a 3rd Plasma Car
PERFECT day for a family fall session
This Pop2K radio channel gives me life
My baby currently hates everyone and everything, so I’m doing a lot of one-handed Facebooking while I nurse him. I keep running out of Internet, so if you know of any really good drama to read about, let me know. I love a good internet drama.
Tags: baby, babywearing, bus stop, Caroline, evan, fall, family, finn, iphone photos, linc, my week in iphone photos, newborn, post office, shopping, target, tula
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 3 Comments »