Posts Tagged ‘blographer’

The Blographer Event Ticket Giveaway!

Thursday, July 26th, 2012

I was careful to plan extra time into my trip to NYC next week for sight seeing, since last year in San Diego I was so rushed with conference events I didn’t see anything besides the inside of the hotel. This year I planned time for relaxing, unpacking, and a walking food tour of Chelsea Market. But when Adorama announced The Blographer Event on Thursday, August 2rd I threw ALL my plans out the window (Deep, sincere apologies to the friends I cancelled on, but thank you so much for understanding.)

the blographer event 2012

The Blographer Event is a chance to learn from and connect with some extremely talented photo bloggers, whose specialties range from urban landscapes to food to children and families. I’m extra super excited to hear Rachel Devine speak on how photographs can be just as important as words when it comes to telling our stories online. I imagine I will spend most of Thursday yelling “Yes! Perfect! Exactly! Amen!” – but I promise to yell quietly so I won’t bug you if you’re sitting next to me. (Please come sit next to me?) You’ll also get to meet Jill from Baby Rabies – Miss Blographer herself.

I promise this isn’t just for pros and experts (heck, if I’M going I can assure you no one is checking portfolios at the door.) Here’s a quick list of people who should attend this event:

1. Bloggers.
2. Photographers
3. Blographers
4. People who shoot on manual all the time
5. People who don’t even know how to set their camera on manual
6. People who have read their manuals
7. People who can’t find their manuals
8. People who really love photography no matter what their level
9. People who love to be inspired
10. YOU!

Here are the details: The Blographer Event runs 9:30 am – 5:00 pm on Thursday August 2nd at the Metropolitan Pavillion (2.2 miles from The Hilton – a 7 minute cab ride). There are 3 sessions, each led by two experts. Drinks, snacks and lunch will be served and each attendee will get some amazing goodies (aka swag) to take home. Really, with tickets priced only $69 I guarantee it’s worth it JUST for the swag and food. If you can find a buddy to go with you can buy two tickets for $99 and it’s an even more amazing deal.

Are you as excited as I am now? Are you ready to register? You DON’T have to be attending anything else happening that weekend to come, so if you’re within a couple of hours of NYC I recommend calling in sick taking the day off because this is a very, very special event. Here’s the coolest news so far: I have one free ticket to give away for The Blographer Event!

Time is short so this is going to be a quick turn around! Leave a comment on this post saying “I WANT TO GO!” (if you want to comment but can’t make it to NYC, you can leave a comment too but I won’t count ones that don’t specifically say “I WANT TO GO!”) I will count up all the comments and draw a winner using early Monday morning.

p.s. If you buy a ticket now and end up winning, Adorama will happily reimburse you. So go! I mean come! I will see you there!

 Disclaimer: One comment per person, winner must provide a valid email address so I can contact them Monday. I was given a ticket to this event along with one to give away, but I was already planning to ditch my friends and go because it sounds super cool. No other compensation was provided and all really excited and caps-locky opinions are my own.