Posts Tagged ‘bleu squid’
Sunday, July 5th, 2015
Hello. It is summer.
Morning lap naps because we have no where to be
She’s very good at selfies
Our Mystic day started at the aquarium
Then I tied my baby to a chair to eat grilled cheese…
Then Caroline decorated a whale at the seaport
Being a big kid is exhausting
That whale is definitely trying to eat her
Caroline thinks sitting is boring
Bed stealer
One Caroline to push 3 babies. She’s got it.
So grown
Evan is doing is presentation about Seaport Camp and explaining his picture looks like that because he “only works in black and sometimes very very dark gray”.
Babies do not have good table manners
Saturday (Happy Fourth!!):
The Mayflower!! Linc is unimpressed because he knows it’s a replica.
Matching dresses are awesome
We stayed up waaaaaaay too late
And on that note, I am going to bed. The weekend was fun but exhausting and NO ONE has taken a real nap in more than a week. I need at least 6 hours of sleep in a row if I have any chance of functioning this week. Good night!
Tags: #lakelife, 4th of july, babywearing, baseball, bleu squid, Caroline, ct tigers, E, evan, fashion, friends, fun, iphone photos, kids, lake, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, mystic, mystic aquarium, mystic seaport, naps, pavo, seaport, wrap naps
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | No Comments »
Saturday, July 20th, 2013
Uuuuuuugggghhhhhhhh it’s hooooooot. We’ve been trying to hold as still as possible, although “still” isn’t really a word in these children’s vocabulary. I’m also going to blame the heat for messing up my iPhone and losing more than half my photos. Our trip to the lake, gymnastics, all of Thursday. Gone. Annoyed. And hot.
CLEAN ALL THE THINGS: Kitchen edition
She insisted Zebra and Giraffe needed to see the aquarium too.
Tomato, artichoke hearts, pesto, two kinds of cheese on sourdough.
“Helping” with the seesaw
Not even close to being big enough.
They’re doing Oedipus Rex at the Arboretum with truly terrifying puppets.
The sleepy twins fell asleep while I was at a photoshoot
From Instagram: More sleeping.
From Instagram: More eating.
Oh yes, I’m sure you’ll sell a lot of these as impulse purchases.
The long-promised and long-awaited potty training reward.
I wish I could tell you that giant drink was sugar free organic juice, but then I’d be a liar. (We saw Monsters 2. Cute but I liked Despicable Me 2 better.)
We’ve all been getting a LOT of checkups since Thursday.
At least it wasn’t permanent marker.
I swear we’re going to leave the house tomorrow, if only because I can’t stand sitting in my own sweat any longer. I am insanely jealous of my parents and their lake house right now (Happy Birthday Mom!) and need to figure out how to get there ASAP.
Tags: bleu squid, Caroline, evan, food, hot, iphone photos, my week in iphone photos, mystic aquarium, shopping, sleeping, summer, vacation
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 2 Comments »
Tuesday, June 11th, 2013
There was a ton of stuff going on in our area over the weekend: members weekend at the Aquarium, the International Food Festival in Mystic, the annual Butterfly Pavilion in Norwich AND it was Connecticut Open House weekend.
Unfortunately, it was also one of those weekends where none of us really felt like getting off the couch. I swear our day in Brooklyn last Sunday threw the kids off all week, and there were a ton of couch naps that led to super early wake-ups that meant even more couch naps and we were all a little sleep-deprived and short-tempered. E had duty Friday which meant he didn’t get home until lunch on Saturday, so that day was mostly a wash. I tried to fit ALL THE THINGS in on Sunday and ended up with two very unhappy kids in a butterfly pavilion, begging to go home. So we did. I like family activities, I don’t like torturing my children. Even to get more photos. Clearly I got enough photos.
They refused to consider any of the food besides The Bleu Squid for grilled cheese and cupcakes.
Black Forest cupcake
Lobster roll. Lobster & a little mayo with lemon on top. As it should be.
Caroline was really, really excited to get her face painted and tried hard to sit still. Of course, she’s 2. I’m 31 and I can hardly sit still to have my make-up done at the Clinique counter at the mall (I don’t like people touching my eyes) (NO ONE likes people touching their eyes!). The patient make-up artist managed to get it done though – including a layer of glitter over the whole thing – and Caroline became Kitty Caroline. She ran all over the Oldey Mistickey Villagey meowing and stopping people in their tracks to go “Awwwwwwwww! Look at her face! She’s a kitty! Bob, Bob come look at this kitty! Isn’t she adorable?!” At this point I feel like taking my child out in public is like hanging out with one of the minor Kardashians. Krispy? Krumbly? Whatever they’re called. I should start spelling it Karoline.
It’s like E is wearing THREE hats!
Caroline met Ariel & got her autograph. She was pretty impressed. And a little skeptical.
The Butterfly Pavilion was cool, but kind of crowded. They encouraged you to let the butterflies crawl/land on you and even had sugar water to dab on your fingers. Caroline liked it. Evan was D O N E, so we didn’t stay long.
Tags: birds, bleu squid, butterflies, Caroline, Connecticut, cupcakes, E, evan, family, mystic aquarium, photography, weekend
Posted in The Rest | 3 Comments »
Sunday, April 28th, 2013
E models the latest in fashion: a ginger-shaped hat
Bubble rocket launcher in action
He gets an A+ in relaxing
Special Monday treats: shopping alone, Sbux, and driving the new car
I don’t feel the need to explain my art to you
I make the EXACT same face when anyone tries to wake me up in the morning
Yarn store visiting
Monkey see, monkey do
Inside fishes first!
Bacon, tomato, caramelized onions, blue cheese, mozzarella on sourdough
Peek a boo at the Seaport
These cookies are full of LIES (and regular sandwich cookie cream, not taffy)
This one’s for sale and only 2 blocks away. Be my neighbor!!
The queen on her throne
Feeding ducks
I have no idea what this is
Bluff Point
Rainbow sprinkles = MIND BLOWN
Our spring-like weather looks like it’s here to stay but since this is New England I’m not taking anything for granted. We’ll be repeating this week with extra locations (zoo, beach, etc etc etc) thrown in for the next two months. More baths + later bedtimes are going to cut into my blog-writing time, but I’m OK with that. Sometimes it doesn’t hurt to remember we can live our lives even if I don’t write about every second of it online.
Tags: bleu squid, bluff point, Caroline, cows and cones, E, evan, family, food, fun, HAT, ice cream, iphone photos, mystic aquarium, mystic seaport, spring, week in iphone photos, yarn store
Posted in Week in iPhone Photos | 10 Comments »
Monday, December 31st, 2012
We’re still on vacation, which means I’m light on the words and heavy on the lazily edited photos of my kids doing boring stuff. Luckily, my sister is here to do boring stuff with is.
At The Bleu Squid in Mystic – AMAZING grilled cheese and cupcakes
Do I have something on my face?
Tonight the plan is for E and I to do something AWESOME, since it might be our last chance for a loooong time to spend a New Years out alone…but it seems more likely we’ll go out for sushi, get tired, and come home to drink a bottle of champagne on the couch while we watch the last episode of Downton Abbey. Happy New Year’s Eve!
Tags: aunt carolyn, bleu squid, Caroline, ducks, E, evan, family, holidays, mystic, vacation
Posted in Photography | 1 Comment »