Posts Tagged ‘bathroom’

My Week(358) in iPhone Photos

Tuesday, September 26th, 2017

After a whoooole bunch of stress with our afternoon bus schedule, we’ve finally worked everything out and we’re just plain busy instead of super stressful busy. It’s good. We’re better at holding things together when we don’t have too much time to sit on the couch.


I love this umbrella

Living his best life

It’s important to practice before Halloween


Everyone is at school or asleep and I am RELAXING

The cat is obsessed with our heated floors


Enormous baby measured as enormous at his check up


We got the last one of these stupid things

This outfit makes me happy

It makes Finn happy too


Cookie time

I hope this are the memories they have of their childhoods


Very fancy facepaint

Pizza is his favorite

That’s her “I GOT A NEW BOW” face

I bought Wonder Woman yesterday, so we can watch it at home and in the car and alllll the time, because I would much rather memorize Wonder Woman than all the episodes of Paw Patrol on this stupid pirate adventure DVD. Once you can name all the dogs on Paw Patrol you lose part of your soul forever.

My Week(356) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, September 14th, 2017

This was not my favorite week.


All my guys

Future so bright, you better wear shades

When Linc says pants are a shirt, he refuses to back down



That’s the eclipse, I swear

Doesn’t know how to cart correctly


I don’t know what this show is but I never want to see it again

I miss lake life already



Rocking the Seaport

Getting in some daddy cuddles

Such a big kid


Stupid submarine

Eating our feelings. They taste like frosting.



Bunny Caroline

Alien attack

Evan on the grown up rides


Before the mud at the Mud Run


More new bathroom! I love my new bathroom!

I’ve been having a bit of a battle with the school slash school bus company and today I won. I’m so relieved. As much as we really like being busy and on the go, I don’t like being late, breaking rules, or writing bitchy emails. Ok, I SORT of like writing bitchy emails, but not over and over. But starting next week we should just go back to regular busy – now with 100% more karate for Evan!

My Week(349) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

They put sheet rock up in my kitchen today, so I’m feeling slightly better than I was yesterday. I’m starting to think someday they might actually finish.


Fat baby loves swinging

These were delicious

It actually looks WORSE now


I hope he never stops taking couch naps

Salt marsh sunset


Family walks

The baby who eats anything




Private beach

Happy baby


Such Pinterest-worthy decor in this nursery


She doubts her daddy’s cooking skills


At least the shower is done

Saw this on a chair at Seaport Camp. Pleased we picked a good camp.

Tasted even better than it looked


My favorite cat

Caroline loves fireworks

Finn does not love fireworks

My Week(348) in iPhone Photos

Thursday, August 10th, 2017

I never did catch up and now I’m even farther behind because that’s my life right now. Nothing ever gets finished and everything is a mess. This was the week my bathroom remodel involuntarily started and it’s NOT ANY BETTER TODAY.


Really disappointed with his non-vacation life

It took my computer THREE HOURS to update


Pretending they don’t fight 23.5 hours a day

Pokemon hunting



The only picture I took, because the rest of the day began renovation hell


I didn’t even take this, Linc did, because again…renovation hell.


Choosing tile is hard

There were 4 ceilings in the kitchen

Plumbing problems are exhausting


So chill

She thinks is cute she’s sitting next to a beer

I love card night


We found local princesses

Lake friends

Grandma and Grandpa are popular

This was such a long time ago. What was life even like when I had two working toilets and no holes in my floors, walls or ceilings? I CAN’T REMEMBER.


Bathroom Remodel Hell

Sunday, July 2nd, 2017

We interrupt this all-Disney, all-the-time blog to talk about how stupid my house is.


That’s what you get when you buy a house built in 1913. Especially a house built in 1913 that’s had most of the work done by half-assed do-it-yourself-ers over the years, so every time you start any project you immediately discover 10 more things that need to be fixed. It’s the worst.

I am trying so hard to remember that being forced to design a new bathroom is a first world problem. I mean, we still have a (A. One. Uno.) working toilet, so I am still living a first world life (even if I don’t have a working tub or shower). I have access to a line of credit to pay for the repairs so I don’t have to live with a hole in my kitchen ceiling. We have homeowner’s insurance that may help fix that giant hole in the kitchen ceiling. I get to choose which tile and which light and which flooring I want, I don’t have to use whatever is the very cheapest option.

But looking on the bright side and being grateful is taking up SO MUCH of my mental energy I’m completely exhausted. There are people in and out of my house all day, we have a million decisions to make (and they all involve both money and math, the two things that stress me out the most), I feel like an idiot trying to understand plumbing and electrical issues. Feeling like a broke, unshowered idiot is not a fun way to spend your summer vacation.

We had absolutely planned to remodel our upstairs bathroom at some point. We’ve been talking about it for years. Whoever did it last time (a curse upon them) used discontinued/scratch and dent/overstock/ugly ugly ugly stuff and we’ve hated it since we moved in. So when this disaster is over I’m going to have a bathroom I don’t hate. That’s the good news.

It’s also going to have heated floors. That’s the REALLY good news.

But right now, every time I walk past this room, all I can think about is living in bathroom hell.

bathroom remodel during