Sweet Caroline
My BFF Erin came to visit over the weekend. She’s a fantastic photographer (she took most of the pictures at my nursery rhyme baby shower too) and started doing it as a part-time job last year when she founded Open Shutter Photography. She was kind enough to bring her whole photo set-up with her and we spent a lot of time playing dress up (or dress down) with my new doll baby.
Erin thinks I am doing her a huge favor by “letting” her use Caroline as a model, while I think she’s doing ME a huge favor by taking beautiful pictures for free and “letting” me post them here.
Here are 5 8 10 some of the shots from Erin’s photo shoot. The rest are over on her portfolio site here. I thought it was unfair to anyone with baby fever to post them ALL at once. I would especially avoid the shots where she’s smiling and laughing unless you’re ready for (more) bebehs. But for the record, Suzanne is a lovely name for any girl children born approximately 9 months from today.
(Yeah, I know it’s annoying to talk about how cute my kid is all the time but I can’t help it. Blame all the hormones that make me feel attached so I don’t leave her to be raised by wolves or gorillas or fairies. IT’S SCIENCE.)
For the record, this will be one of about a ZILLION posts called “Sweet Caroline”. You don’t name your daughter Caroline without a) liking the song b) hearing it in your head practically every time you say her name and c) knowing it makes a good title for a blog post. You have it stuck in your head now too, don’t you?
You’re welcome.
Tags: adorable, baby fever, baby girl, baby sandy, Caroline, friends, fun, photography
oh my… these photos… that sweet caroline… i love them all!
I love the angry elf one – and you? Are STUNNING! Mommy does not think it is fair that you look like that so soon after squeezing out a baby. :)
Two words: Photo. Shop. Also: really good lighting and an angle where you can’t see the bags under my eyes.
Oh lordy, lordy, lordy. I started to cry at some point. Your little baby is fantastic, all squishy and chubby. Go your boobs! They’re obviously making her lots of milks to get chunky on.
Thanks again for making me even more excited about mine due in 2 months oh god please hurry.
Her 2 week appointment is tomorrow and I cannot WAIT to find out what she weighs. The doctor’s jaw is going to drop. Chubby bebehs FTW!
Good luck with the next two months!!
YES. Frame that one. And, Oh. My. God. She is so adorable. So. So. So. So. Adorable.
Thanks for the plug! :) I had such a good time!!!
Oh, and can I steal that first one from you?
Absolutely! If the copy here isn’t big enough I can email you one!
Raise your hand if you thought she meant Little E…
I would totally steal him!!! But I meant the first picture. :)
Erin-these pictures are just gorgeous. The colors are incredible. I’m sure it doesn’t hurt to have super cute subject matter! Suzanne-normally I love B&W but the color photo of you and Caroline is stunning.
Thanks Merin! :)
Can I caption the basket one “Where am I going and why am I in this handbasket” or is that inappropriate for bebehs?
I was totally going to say that.
yaaaaaay :)
Hi! Found you through Gussy’s community post. Oh. My. Goodness! Caroline is so cute! Those pics are great – your friend is quite talented! Congrats on the new bebeh!
Look at the back chub on that first black and white one! So soon for nomable chub. The cuteness with this one is going to be relentless.
Cuteness! I’m guessing you knit the hats – did you knit that pink blanket too?
My grandmother did. It’s a WONDERFUL baby blanket, super soft and thick and washable. And the gray hat with the ribbon was a handknit gift from Cheri – she made a gown to match too.
The hand and the naked tummy one are KILLING ME. I’m not ready for another kid, but my ovaries aren’t believing my brain right now. LOVE HER.
GORGEOUS! That is all I can say.
I love the basket shot :) You are lucky to have such a talented friend & a beautiful shot of you with Caroline. I too have very few pics with my babies- I guess we’re the ones taking all the pictures!
She is so beautiful! I am looking forward to another one in about another 22 months, give or take. Not that I’m a planner or anything……;)
So glad you got the beautiful newborn shots. I wish we’d done a professional shoot with Ellis, but will definitely get on that for baby #2!
You look fantastic too, by the way.
Oh Suzanne – she is so beautiful! And squishy! And damn you for making my ovaries twitch :)
Also, you look great too!
and i’m crying. you have a gorgeous bebeh girl! that picture of you and squishy caroline did me in. i also kinda love the angry elf ;-)
Thank you. Your continued posting of beautiful bebeh pictures shall help my motivation to get where I need to be for #3.
I swear I will take more mama & newborn bebeh pictures with number 3, yours made my heart explode with happiness. And I don’t care if that is incredibly cheesy. I just don’t care.
She’s so beautiful, I know a mama doesn’t get tired of hearing that, so I’m going to keep telling you :o) And you, my dear mama, look FABULOUS.
She is SO beautiful! Ohmyword. And you look amazing!
Such sweet photos! I want your BFF Erin to take some of my (someday) new baby. Sweet Caroline is beautiful, just like her mom!
Your baby is gorgeous and your friend Erin is amazingly talented. I wish she lived closer by me!!!!!!!!
She’s gorgeous mama! Love her. And you. And these pictures. And now? I’m off to sing Sweet Caroline at the top of my lungs.
Her expression in the basket picture = beyond precious :)
Beautiful. Just beautiful!!!
Swoon!! I die! Oh, she is just perfect and gorgeous!!
We are lucky that Suzanne exists both in Spanish (Susana) and in Polish (Zuzana)!! Whoot whoot!! Totally happening in 9 months. My baby fever is off the charts with these photos. She is such an adorable little thing. Love her.
OmNomNommMMmm! It’s a good thing my husband is out of town…
Also, there is so much LIFE in these photos. Sometimes you see newborn pics and the poor babies look dead, limp, astonishing shades of pale. I’m sure in this case the model helps but big ups to the photographer as well.
omgosh! LOVE these pictures she is so cute and so itty bitty!! miss those days..
That picture of her completely naked just made me contemplate going and getting knocked up asap. Thanks, asshole!
gorgeous. How fabulous that you have these beautiful photos of you and Caroline. I am totally envious!!