Winter Ain’t Over {One Step Ahead Giveaway!}

It looks like we’re getting another winter storm this week which, COME ON MOTHER NATURE. Even if it’s 75% ice (ugh) and sleet (UGH) it’s going to mean another weekend of inside activity with 2 kids desperate for a day at the park. Where’s my early spring, Punxsutawny Phil? Imma about to take off my earrings and make myself a nice groundhog fur hat. I need it for the storm, obviously.

I have fond memories of spending my early-April birthday at the beach in South Carolina back in college. And not “at the beach” in the sense that we were on a beach in winter coats, but at the beach meaning bikinis and trashy magazines and trying to get a nice even tan long before Memorial Day. In New England you’re lucky if you’ve pulled out your capri pants before Memorial Day, never mind a bathing suit. It’s going to be cold here for a while, is what I’m saying.

Luckily I have two hardy Yankee children who are happy to put on 6 layers of clothing and stomp around in the snow and ice for as long as their wimpy mother will let them.

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A few weeks ago the kind people from One Step Ahead asked if we’d be interested in some winter gear to help keep Caroline warm for these next few looooong months. They sent us the Cozy Cub Vest and a Stay-Put Reversible Fleece Hat with Earflaps. She loves them both and I know they’re keeping her warm and cozy while she plays – especially since she asks for the hat and keeps it on her head.

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I’m a huge fan of One Step Ahead (their catalog might be the only thing I ever read cover-to-cover these days) and the Cozy Cub products are the same great quality you would expect from their baby and kid’s gear (lifetime guarantee ?? I think so!). The vest is great now and is going to be perfect as we (hopefully) transition into spring. She can wear it over a sweater as an extra layer on the playground or under an unlined raincoat on cool, drizzly days. Plus it’s pink, which makes it an automatic favorite in her wardrobe. Pink is her jam. You can check out the whole Cozy Cub collection here!

To help you make it until spring too, One Step Ahead is offering a hat and vest to one of my readers! Leave me a comment on this post telling me what you’re most looking forward about spring. Honestly, I just want to see the grass again – although our first trip down to the beach is going to be a highlight too. I’ll pick a winner on Friday, March 1st using and notify them via email so be sure to use a valid one when you comment. Good luck!!

Fine print: Giveaway open to residents of the United States ages 18 and over. Winner can chose size and style of in-stock products. I receive a hat and vest to review but no other compensation. Links are not affiliate links. All opinions and photos are my own. 

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33 Responses to “Winter Ain’t Over {One Step Ahead Giveaway!}”

  1. Mami2jcn says:

    I’m looking forward to strawberry picking!

  2. raincheckmom says:

    Looking forward to the first daffodil! AND a trip to CT!

  3. Sarah says:

    I just want to be able to play outside – my kids are climbing the walls!!

  4. Audrey says:

    I am most looking forward to having this baby. For reals. Also, my husband having a month off work to help me out, because then I can con him and the big kids into clearing/planting the vegetable garden since I won’t be able to this year. MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  5. Linny says:

    Warm weather. I can’t tolerate the cold.

  6. Adorable! And I was just thinking about your question last night cuddled up under 900 blankets in bed with my baby Bo. What I’m most looking forward to is being able to take him out for the kind of long walks I loved taking P. on when she was a baby. I love walking in winter, but too many of my @#$% neighbors don’t shovel their walks and I’m not strollering in the street round here.

    • bebehblog says:

      Ugh, I’d say 50% of the sidewalks are still impassable – you get to the corner and there’s a 2 foot bank where there should be a curb cut into the street. I almost got trapped in a parking lot today too because instead of plowing the back entrance they used it to pile up the snow. Poor choices!!

  7. Ana says:

    The photo of the two holding hands… cute!!
    This will sound pathetic since we’re in Texas (CT transplants) but I will welcome the warmer weather too! But then again, spring means ALLERGIES and only lasts a week or two before it’s in the 90s so maybe I can deal with winter a bit longer….
    I do miss snow though, mostly because I think my kids would love it so much!

  8. Oh- I am looking forward to playing outside with my kids, sitting in the front yard, and soaking up sunshine!

    Your gingers are adorable.

  9. Bridget says:

    I’m looking forward to just putting my toddler in the stroller, without hats, gloves, a coat, boots, and his bundle me!

  10. I’m looking forward to actually getting out of this house. The walls are starting to close in on me!

  11. barbra says:

    I’m looking forward to being rid of the winter crud that is continually plaguing our noses, throats and lungs.

  12. Becky says:

    The park, more daylight and opening our pool at our new house

  13. Rochel S. says:

    Looking forward to be able to play outside! Its getting boring being cooped up indoors all day!

  14. Leah says:

    I am looking forward to not having to retrieve the barefoot Velocitoddler from the snowy back yard. AGAIN.

  15. Rosemary ford says:

    I am so looking forward to opening my window

  16. Diana says:

    Maple Syrup, budding plants, fresh air!

  17. domestic diva says:

    I’m looking forward to planting our garden.

  18. Fionnuala says:

    I love when I see the tulips come up through the snow!

  19. Mauranda says:

    Green grass, maple syrup, fresh (warmer) air!!!

  20. krystle says:

    I can’t wait for the first glass of wine, outside on the patio, a grilled hot dog & it being light out when work is over!

  21. Tasha M says:

    Easter at the beach!! Spring is a tricky time for me here in va with all of the lovely spring allergens.

  22. Kristi says:

    One Step Ahead is based miles from my house… I am so ready for the beach at spring break, the flowers to bloom and having every window in my house open and the breeze keeping us cool!

  23. Debbie says:

    I am ready for sunshine & warmth, I hate the cold!

  24. I’m quite looking forward to getting into the garden. Our yard needs some serious work. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  25. Rachel W says:

    I am looking forward to being able to take walks in the evenings!

  26. Brigid Keely says:

    We’re in Chicago which isn’t as snowbound as you are, but it’s still pretty cold and gross.

    Niko has a big photo book about Chicago that’s one of his favorite things to read right now, and we’re compiling a list of stuff he wants to do, places he wants to visit that are in the book. Buckingham fountain! Picnic in the park near the Shedd! Checking out the CNA building! Museum of the Art Institute of Chicago! The Picasso sculpture! And more! So I’m really looking forward to spring and warm weather, where we’ll be able to traipse about the city without worrying about frost bite.

  27. Jennifer W says:

    We’re in AZ, so it’s in the 60s on a cold day right now. I really can’t complain about the weather…at least not yet. Ask me again in May when we’re already hitting 100. I guess for Spring, I’m looking forward to green grass. All the grass around us is dead…unless you reseeded with Winter Rye. But we didn’t ’cause we’re lazy. So, yeah…green grass would be nice.

  28. Sleepyheadedmom says:

    I’m looking forward to warmer weather, being able to play outside, and seeing everything go back to being green.

  29. Being able to be outside for longer than 10 minutes at a time because of someone crying that it’s too cold out. *sigh*

  30. Shannon says:

    We haven’t gotten much (or any) snow here in KY this winter but I am so looking forward to actually doing things outside!! And for it to not get dark so early!!

  31. Tabathia B says:

    Being able to enjoy days at the park and taking the kids on picnics

    tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com

  32. Vanessa says:

    My little guy is a december 2010 baby as well 9thats how I found you..I believe from babycenter ;p) and im sooo looking forward to park dates this spring-little brother or sister is due in summer so its going to be our last season to soak up together with just us. gush.