My Week(234) in iPhone Photos
I am apparently allergic to everything that is blooming/growing at the moment. I ran through all the OTC drugs I had and I’m afraid to buy anything else in case the cops show up to look for my meth lab. Plus I can’t take any GOOD stuff because I’m nursing. If spring is going to kick my ass this much I would really appreciate it being warm enough to actually BE OUTSIDE.
This is our second week with our new very busy schedule. I really hope the baby and my allergies let me sleep enough to survive it. I would give almost anything for 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep. It’s amazing how quickly a few bad nights catch up with you. I should in fact be sleeping right now but I was a) finishing this post and b) watching episodes of Call the Midwife I didn’t realize were new and my DVR was kindly recording for me.
Tags: baby, babywearing, babywearing selfies, Caroline, evan, iphone photos, lincoln, my week in iphone photos, shopping, soccer, spring, swim, tula, waiting for the bus
I gotta know, what is that fox carrier?
It’s a Tula, this print is called Campy. I did NOT need another Tula but I couldn’t resist this pattern.
These kids today—so advanced. I didn’t take copyright law till grad school.