My Week(140) in iPhone Photos
Another summer week, another seven days I can hardly believe were only seven days.
It is still hot hot hot in New England, so our choices are 1) sit really, really still in the house with all the fans blowing on us or 2) go find a body of water. There are lots of those around, but since Evan and I both got sunburns on the 4th we’ve been hiding inside mostly. They start the preschool summer program this week (I…think? I need to call…) so we’ll eventually have to go back to the real world, but for now I am enjoying doing nothing. Mostly nothing. I don’t think potty training counts as REALLY doing nothing.
Tags: 4th of july, beach, books, Caroline, cousins, evan, family, ferry, fireworks, food, friends, iphone photos, long island, massachusetts, my week in iphone photos, mystic aquarium, summer, vacation
I love that you still keep up with this. It will be an amazing resource for your kids. My monthly photo posts don’t even compare!