Halloween Party!
Wheeeeeee! It turn out inviting every single person I saw for three weeks didn’t mean any of them wanted to drive out in a snowstorm to attend my Halloween party, so I didn’t end up with the huge crowd I was worried about anticipating. It also turns out all it takes to wear out my kids is running in circles for three hours (at least an hour of which was LITERAL running in circles – our first floor makes loop). Good to know, hard to replicate on a daily basis.
Most of the food was inspired by Pinterest, so check out my Halloween board here for details. I also used the free printables found here for some of the decoration and labels. I also FINALLY used the cookbook I got at The Creative Connection that had all the cute “gross” food in it. The rest of the stuff is a mish-mash of craft store decor and Target purchases that are probably not really worth listing. I’m going to force myself to limit the photos on this post to a reasonable semi-reasonable almost reasonable number, but check out the blog Facebook album for ALL the rest (probably only something you want to do if you were actually here and want pics of your kid.) They’re all kind of terrible, because the light in my house is terrible without sunshine – and we don’t get much sunshine during freak snow storms – but I can’t stop myself from putting them up anyways. It’s a sickness, really.

Hot dog mummies, dead fingers, ghost lollipops, zombie pizza (which was way cuter before it was cooked)

Sparkling cider & V-8 Fruit Fusion as spooky drinks, chocolate coverd rice crispie treats, mini donut eyeballs, ghost pretzel sticks
Thanks so much to everyone who came, and also HUGE apologies to anyone local who I didn’t invite in time. I passed them out at Stroller Strides a few different days but kept forgetting who had gotten them, so I promise you were SUPPOSED to be invited and I just suck. Next time I’ll just put a general party announcement on my Facebook and hope no creepy strangers show up. But YOU’RE not a creepy stranger, you’re a blog friend, so next time you’re invited too.
Whew. Now I’m going to spend a week cleaning my house and hiding from the thought that Caroline’s 1st birthday is in less than 7 weeks. Poor second child’s probably getting a store bought cake and a balloon.
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Tags: costumes, family, food, friends, fun, Halloween, halloween food, halloween party, holidays, party, party food, pictures, we like to party
ahahahaha! the caption and e’s pose in the last picture CRACKED ME UP! also? when i saw that first picture i thought to myself, “she is nuts for leaving glitter on her table like that!” haha what a fun party! yours always are though! ;) everything looked amazing!
It feels like I’m joining the Halloween party also. I Love the creepy food presentation and cute little fellas costumes. The sweets are creepily and spooky amazing! Gonna try to eat Ghosts! (ghostly lollipops)
I think you need to take up professional party/event planning! Seriously, everything looks absolutely AMAZING. You’re so creative!!
I’m with Shari.
You are always so great at the little details! I also love your halloween costume.
p.s. I looked for the carrot costume photo at my parents house but couldn’t find it. SAD FACE! I really wanted to show that to people. I asked my mom and it turns out she actually KEPT the carrot costume. She keeps everything ;)
We had so much fun!!!! thanks for a wonderful weekend!!!! :)
I’m glad the snow didn’t keep people away. I love that you do photo booths at your parties. So smart!
Suzanne what an awesome party! Seriously I’m going to fly you down to NC to help me decorate & cook for my next party. You rock!
This party looks amazing! Holy cow! I love all the themed food. That is just fabulous. And the photobooth is too cool. You are a total pro.
ridiculously awesome party, as always lady. looks like a blast!! loving all the handmade goodies. hope you guys have a fantastic halloween day!!
You must have extra hours in your day up in CT. That all looks awesome!
Love the spooky mantle and the dead fingers! What were the fingers made of? Oh, and the crepe paper strips for the photo background!
I’m just gonna start calling you Martha.
Your party looks awesome!
Looks like a LOVELY party!
The party looks like it was a huge hit!! You did fantastic with the food. I also really love the cute idea for the photo frames in the pictures.
What a FUN party! I totally would have braved snow to come- the food looks amazing. Love little E’s dinosaur costume as well!