Guest Post – Erin’s Breastfeeding Story

Suzanne asked me a couple of weeks ago if I could write about my experience with breastfeeding so that she could share a different experience from her own. Initially I was really excited about it, but then I found myself putting it off.  I had really thought that I had come to terms with my decision, to give up on nursing and feed from a bottle, and was surprised at how emotional I still was about it. Apparently I had just been trying not to think about. Having to sum it up just seemed like trying to make excuses for my failures.  I’m really not trying to be melodramatic or go fishing for sympathy; I just wish I had known how emotional this was going to be. That someone had been able to warn me that so much of my confidence as a mother would be wrapped up in this experience. So here is what happened to me…..

I had my first baby in July. I had made the decision to breastfeed without giving any thought to anything else. I wanted to breastfeed exclusively for the first six months. I wasn’t sure about a whole year, wanted to wait and see. I had read all the books and taken breastfeeding classes. I had told my friend when she asked that I wouldn’t need to buy more than a couple of bottles because my baby would be breastfed. I was committed.

When Reid was born he breathed in too hard and punctured a tiny hole in his lung. He spent the first 3 days of his life in the NICU. The first day we were not even allowed to hold him. He had to stay on his right side with a big oxygen bubble over his head and a feeding tube.  The separation and that feed tube were our first set back. Sure I had the pump, but I was no part of his feeding and he was no part of mine. By the second day, Reid was out of the woods and doing much better. They let me try to nurse him, since they knew that I was planning to breastfeed and they told me not to be discouraged that my milk hadn’t come in. They gave me a nipple shield and told me to use it help him because he would not open his mouth wide enough to latch. Then they would take the baby and feed him whatever I had been able to pump with a little syringe.

Then the nurse actually said to me “How stuck are you on breastfeeding?” I didn’t really even get what she was asking. I just said “What?” And she said “If you let us give him a bottle now, then he will be able to get out of here faster.” …..and of course I said yes. That’s right, she asked a mother with no milk; who had just held her two-day-old baby for the first time; whose baby had to get off the feeding tube to be discharged and hadn’t eaten yet, if she could give him a bottle. If any of you think that you would have said no, then you are sorely mistaken. It was nothing short of emotional blackmail. Plus, she wasn’t going to sit there and feed him a whole bottle using a syringe and I wasn’t allowed to stay there with him.

He really liked the bottle. We left the hospital with a baby who had never nursed and who had a strong preference for the bottle. We were assured by the doctor that it was normal that my milk hadn’t come in yet since he hadn’t been with me and that there was no such thing as nipple confusion. He assured us that as soon as my milk came in he would take the breast. Oh, and give him 20mls of formula with each feeding. Two days after we got home I realized that we would have to go cold turkey on the bottle. My milk was coming in and he still wasn’t nursing. At that point I don’t think he even knew how. I was bitterly disappointed about everything that had happened (and that I had let happen) at the NICU. I felt robbed. I hadn’t even realized how badly I wanted to breast feed until then, when it looked like we wouldn’t be able to. We decided to ignore the doctor’s order for a supplement (a really hard decision for a baby with jaundice). I nursed and pumped and nursed and we gave him breast milk with a syringe and things started to turn around. I started to feel like you could fix any breastfeeding problem if you researched it and then you worked at it, CONSTANTLY.

Over the next couple of weeks I worked and fought to improve things. Getting him off the nipple shield was really hard, and it made our nursing sessions so much longer. But I was afraid that it was affecting my supply. I had to get him to take my nipple. He was a lazy nurser. He would fall asleep most of the time, or he would only suck just a little bit, only when my breast was really full. He had his two week appointment and he had only gained two ounces. I researched. I read. I used sucking exercises. I let him nurse for two hours. I did latching exercises. I re-latched and re-latched and re-latched. I let him nurse all day. I used compressions. I researched and I worked and I fought with him and I worked at it some more. He was gaining weight but it was only on the minimum side of normal. About the time he was a month old I felt like we finally had it down. He definitely had a good latch even if he was a lazy nurser. And the articles I read said that that should get better real soon.

Then he started to cry between feedings. I let him eat whenever he wanted but he was getting fussier and fussier. At six weeks old, after nothing but the breast for five weeks, we took him to someone’s house for dinner and I broke down and gave him a bottle. He was screaming even as we were putting him into the car and I had just nursed him FOREVER. He drank the whole thing and finally had his first awake and content moments in two weeks. I was horrified! I had read a million times that there is no such thing (or very rarely!) as not being able to produce enough milk. I had been thinking that he was gassy (since his poops were green). I beat myself up imagining how hungry he must have been all that time. Then when we got home I pumped for the first time in a long time and I got less than 2 ounces!!! From both breasts!

I decided to start supplementing. He was dropping drastically in weight percentile and I was starting to worry about him developmentally since all he had been doing was crying. I pumped and nursed constantly for a whole week, literally doing nothing else. I followed all the advice from the breastfeeding experts. I drank the tea and took the supplements. I was able to improve my supply but only to about 3 to 4 ounces every three hours. But now that Reid was getting the bottle again he started to refuse the breast. I tried to get back to the breast and away from the bottle but it just brought increases in crying and decreases in milk. In the end I was just tired of fighting with him. I felt like breastfeeding was not a bonding experience for us and I had started to crave the peaceful easy feedings we had with the bottle. It was the first time I was able to look into my baby’s eyes while he ate.

I decided to give up on nursing and just pump because I could not keep trying to nurse, then pump, then bottle feed. There just wasn’t enough hours in the day. But I beat myself up about it. I felt like I was quitting. That I wasn’t dedicated enough to pump AS MUCH AS IT TAKES to get to where I should be. I felt like I was sabotaging the breastfeeding by enjoying the peace of the bottle. I felt like people would judge me. When I heard other woman say that they went to formula because they weren’t making enough milk I judged them— They must have been doing it wrong and they weren’t dedicated enough to fix it.

I still feel guilty that I didn’t try harder and ashamed when I give him a bottle in front of someone who breastfeeds.  I miss that connection and that he had to be with me all the time. I miss the exclusivity, since now anyone can feed him. I get defensive now when people talk about “Breast is Best”. It feels like salt in the wound. I read the quote above the breastfeeding art that Suzanne linked in her blog yesterday that said “Natural feeding is the duty of every mother and the birthright of every child” and cried.

Pumping may sound like an okay alternative, but it has a lot of issues. It doesn’t stimulate milk like the baby does so you have to work a lot harder. My supply doesn’t maintain itself. When you are nursing your baby it is socially expectable to nurse him wherever you are, especially under a cover. But you can’t pump in a restaurant or in some one’s living room. You have to give your baby to someone else to hold and enjoy and go take care of it in the bathroom. Even when you are home, you can’t pump until after your baby is fed and happy and doesn’t need you, which makes it very hard to get all the pumping sessions crammed into your day.

I know I’ve said a lot here, and I don’t really know how to end it. Just that I wish they had prepared me for this when I took the breastfeeding classes. Instead of just saying how great it is when it goes right, I wish someone had warned me about when it doesn’t. Then maybe I wouldn’t be so hard on myself.


I think Erin’s story identifies two really big stumbling blocks in the road to breastfeeding success. First, her trouble in the NICU and the emotional blackmail that horrible nurse used make her agree to a bottle. I cannot believe how many nurses undermine a new mother’s attempts to breastfeed. Even my own non-NICU baby was given a bottle because “his blood sugar was low”, despite having APGARs at 8 and 9 and no medical issues, EVEN THOUGH I specifically asked that he not be given any formula. I can’t imagine how much greater the fear is when your baby is hooked up to machines.

Second, Erin’s experience with pumping brings up a great point. Although I wouldn’t agree that breastfeeding in public is “socially acceptable” (anyone who’s ever gotten a dirty look for nursing can attest to that), pumping in public isn’t even discussed. No one campaigns for a woman’s right to be hooked to their Medela at the park or the mall or in restaurants. When moms pump at work they fight for quite rooms with locks on their doors, not the right to pump at their desks. Once you add that extra step between baby and boob, you lose the right to call it “natural” and thus the protection from society’s disapproval.

Even though Erin is my best friend and I talk to her all the time, I didn’t know just how much she struggled with breastfeeding until she wrote this. I probably wasn’t “helping” at all when I emailed her links to lactivist sites or complained about my overproduction or spouted off the advice from my lactation consultant.  And for that Erin, I’m really sorry. You’re doing a great job with Baby Reid, please don’t beat yourself up. I love you!

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9 Responses to “Guest Post – Erin’s Breastfeeding Story”

  1. Meghan says:

    Many women have stories exactly like yours Erin. Me being one of them. While I nursed for 4 months it was never exclusive. My son was born on a Saturday with an appetite and my milk did not come in until Thursday. We had already been home from the hospital for 3 days before I was able to feed him. So, we did supplement with bottles during that time. The alternative was listening to cry in hunger for 5 days, which we just couldn’t do.
    Breastfeeding can seem like the first “mommy” moment where now you are really a parent and this baby is really yours since your boobs are feeding it; but there are many other ways to bond with a baby. I fed my oldest a bottle topless alot of times so we could still get the skin to skin contact. And my son is really bright and we have a fantastic relationship despite him not being exclusivly breastfed. I know some experts will try to tell you differently but the personality, IQ and social stability of your child is not programmed within the first 6 months of life.

  2. Laura says:

    Hi Suzanne and Erin,

    I have been a lurker on this blog for a longtime. I followed Suzanne from Jezebel (I am pinkyBella on Jez, I don’t know if you remember me). Anyways, I feel I just have to chime in. I have never had any children, but I have talked extensively to my mother about her experiences of having my sister and me.

    My sister and I were breastfed for about 4 or 5 months each. I was premature and my mother only breastfed me for 5 months. And she supplemented with formula and a bottle. The main reason? She just didn’t produce enough milk. Apparently this runs in our family. My cousin could only nurse for 2 months because she just couldn’t produce enough milk.

    This is a really common thing. In fact, before I read the internet, I never knew people breastfed exclusively, especially longer than a few months! That’s just how it always worked in my family. I think the internet has put a lot of pressure on women now. When my mom had us, there weren’t blogs and forums for her to read. She had no guilt about not producing enough milk, because she had no reason to be.

    Don’t feel guilty at all. This is extemely common. In fact, many women CAN’T breast feed at all. I know if I ever have children (still undecided) I probably won’t be able to breastfeed and if I do, it will probably be very little. Do what is best for your baby and that’s supplementing him with formula. Trust me, when he’s older, he won’t remember if he ate from a bottle or a breast. Only you will. I just feel bad you feel so guilty about it because your story is exactly like all the women in my family and none of them have felt guilt over it. It’s just how it worked out for them.

    You sound like a great, loving mother and your baby is lucky to have such a caring mother. You should be proud of that and not let this silly debat of bottles vs. breasts come between you and your baby’s happiness. You both deserve to be happy and guilt free!!

    I wish you the best of luck and enjoy your son!!

  3. lalaland13 says:

    Thank you for sharing this, Erin. I think while there are plenty of great moms who can breastfeed exclusively, the inability to do so is not a sign from God that you have failed as a mom. Far from it. Every woman is different. Some women are like Suz and can start their own dairy processing plant. Some women are like you and want it, but for circumstances outside their control, can’t have it. Some women are in abusive relationships and have partners who forbid breastfeeding as some weird way of controlling them.

    Natural feeding is not the duty of every mother. I don’t care what the sign says. You do what you have to do to get a healthy kid while remembering he also needs a healthy mom.

    Thanks to Suzanne for posting this.

  4. mkpheartsnyc says:

    I’m not a mother either, but my heart totally goes out to you, Erin – it sounds like such an insanely difficult and wrenching process. For what it’s worth, if you had adopted a toddler or an older child, your responsibility as a mother would have been to provide food they could eat. Period. And you would still be those children’s mother.

    Despite the significant emotional and physical tribulations, you have provided food your child could eat, and it sounds like you’ve had those nice moments of connecting even though he was feeding from a bottle. Best of luck to both of you going forward, and thanks for sharing your story.

  5. Other Erin says:

    Erin – I’m sorry you had such a difficult time with breastfeeding. I don’t have any kids so I’m not even going to pretend to understand.
    But it’s not the biological stuff that make you a mother. Lots of women give birth and don’t ever develop maternal instinct or bond with their children. Breastfeeding is something mothers do but it’s not what makes you a mom.
    It’s sounds to me like you made the right choice. Your baby was hungry and fussy and you adapted to a bad situation by switching to the bottle to make him happy and healthy even though it took a serious toll on you emotionally. That’s how you know you are a good mom – you made the choice that was overall best for your child regardless of everything else.
    I hope things are getting better. Good luck with everything!

  6. AGreenEyeDevil says:

    Erin I’m sorry for the heartache and frustration you endured. I hope someday you will tell your story, or send this link, to those in charge of the BF trainings you encountered. It’s only through hearing the ENTIRE picture from the “front lines” of motherhood that the necessary changes can be made in our teaching curriculums.

  7. h_a_l says:

    Thanks so much Erin for sharing this. I’m in a similar situation, although Ivy was very healthy and gaining wait she was a super lazy nurser and when I tried BFing (even w/ the nipple shield) I felt like she was constantly hungry. I felt like such a failure for not “feeding her right” and it was the WORST every time someone asked me if I was BFing and I would launch into the whole explanation of why I was bottle feeding her breast milk. Lately I just say no. It’s been really hard being back at work and trying to find time to pump, and yeah there’s the whole pumping in places like airplanes or the car or at your friends baby shower.

    It sucks going through the super emotional feeling like you’re letting your baby down by not being a successful breast feeding mama. I got a lot of pressure from my mother of all people like I should try harder to nurse. But in the end when your baby is happy and healthy no matter how you choose to feed them , that’s really what matters.

  8. Erin says:

    Thanks HAL and everyone for the support. I really appreciate it (especially you Suzanne for posting this for me). @HAL – I also have a mother who breastfed and says “i don’t see why you don’t try harder” so I know exactly what that is like. I know other people who have no problem giving their babies formula so having a mother who breastfed must have a lot to do with the guilt. (maybe it makes you think that genetically you should be able to be successful at it…..and you always want your mom to think you are being a good mom yourself). I read your blog post (Suzanne sent me the link) about bottle feeding and I was happy to find a kindred spirit. Thanks for sharing your story with me!

  9. […] Place My BFF Erin and her 7 month old baby Reid came to visit us this weekend. Since I am a terrible friend, I made […]

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