Christmas 2017
Merry Everything! We had a lovely holiday here in New England. A Christmas Eve pouring rain turned into a Christmas Day snowstorm so we got a true White Christmas. The snow blew in with a cold front; it’s less than 25 degrees now (and in the single digits at night) so we’ve been hunkered down inside enjoying the truly enormous and unnecessary pile of presents. My parents came up from Virginia to help celebrate and the kids we SO happy to have Mormor and Bumpa here. My dad helped me get a bunch of house and car stuff done (as usual) so the rest of our break week I can relax and just stay on top of laundry while packing up Christmas decorations. My tree was dead and out on the curb by 4 pm on December 27th. I know my Roomba is relieved – and might actually finish a cleaning cycle without needing me to empty all the pine needles out of the bin.
We had a stroke of good luck with Navy scheduling and E was able to be in port on Christmas Day so he watched everyone discover their Santa presents via Facebook messenger video. It might be the last time we get to talk to him before he comes back (which is still months away) so it was a very nice treat. He was a little bummed not to have matching pajamas or a delicious beef roast with us, but we’ll make up for it next year.
Please enjoy many, somewhat blurry photos of our day.
Please note Caroline’s shirt in the above photo: it says “Young, Scrappy & Hungry”.
Tags: 2017, Caroline, Christmas, christmas magic, evan, family, finnegan, food, fun, hanna jams, holiday, lincoln, matching jams, photography, presents
Who is that big kid in the picture?! (it’s Finnegan, lol)
He got so big! Also I think he’s #teamblonde now and not #teamginger. I rescind my earlier comments :P.