Caroline: 18 Months

One and a half! Tomorrow she’ll be closer to 2 than to 1 which is obviously blowing my mind, just like every other monthday. But this one feels even more surprising: No matter how happy I am about her grown-up, independent spirit, I’m not ready for her to be 2.

I had planned to celebrate Caroline’s half-birthdays, since her near-Christmas birthday means she’ll never have the party turnout Evan gets but this one snuck up on me so we’re not having the adorable little strawberry-themed party I had imagined. But I’m pretty sure the freeze pop she had after nap and the homemade strawberry ice cream she had after dinner are MORE than enough celebration for one tiny child. What can I say, she’s hard to say no to. One day she’s going to ask for a car and I’m going to last barely 24 hours before I cave and get her one. Full of ice cream and cheese.

Last weekend I bought a toddler bed at a church yard sale. I figured it wouldn’t hurt to have it around for when we eventually wanted to move Caroline (because, y’know, we might need the crib again for someone else)(NO THAT WASN’T A HINT HOLD YOUR HORSES)(ask me again in October). It’s just a teeny tiny thing, but that’s perfect for my teeny tiny girl. I dragged it upstairs and put a sheet on it and I figured we’d sloooowly work towards a gradual transition. Nope. That night E tucked her into the bed and left. She went to sleep. And she’s slept in it for every nap and bedtime since. It’s working out great, especially since she’s still way too short to reach the doorknob and get out of the room when she wakes up. The only terrible, horrible, no good, very bad moment so far involved walking in to find a diaperless baby…and that’s as much as I’m going to say about that.

We’ve also started potty training. It’s ridiculous. She wants to be like her brother SO MUCH she’s started peeing on the potty just so she can hang out in the bathroom when he does. I’m sort of hoping she loses interest again, since I’m tired of sitting on the bathroom floor doing the potty cheer every hour, but it’s not like I WANT to change diapers longer than I have to.

Her vocabulary is amazing and she understands pretty much every word I say, including stuff like “Go get that orange thing, the one in the other room”. She says Mommy, Daddy, dog, kitty, hi, bye, hug, cheese, downstairs, yes, Brutus, up, dolly, Bee (what she calls her blankie), swing, pool, beach, brother, snack, bed, baby, book, llama, and at least 20 other words.

Likes include cheese, eating,  ice cream, hot dogs, strawberries, hugs, books, running, the water, hockey, cuddles, drinking from a straw, dancing, sleeping, swinging, being upside down, animals, friends, climbing, somersaults, elevators, purses, necklaces, accessorizing, stairs and giving me heart attacks.

Dislikes include milk, being buckled in, not having enough cheese and strangers who get too close to her face.

Apologies in advance for the ridiculous number of photos:

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months

Future fashion blogger

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months

All her favorite things: blankie, dolly, purse, necklace

caroline 18 months

peek a boo!

caroline 18 months

Outfit change courtesy of Wittlebee – I’ll have a review soon but holy cow is this dress CUTE

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months


caroline 18 months

Girl knows how to relax

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months

I bought her a pony. It was only a buck.

caroline 18 months

And she LOOOOVES it

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months

caroline 18 months


18 Month Milestones (from BabyCenter, as usual)

Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
Will “read” board books on his own – Yep! She read actual books too. Her favorites are the Llama Llama books and the How Do Dinosaurs books.
Scribbles well – Yes, although she still wants to EAT the crayons and markers more than she cares about coloring.

Emerging Skills (half of kids can do)
Strings two words together in phrases – She’s starting to. She says “Hi Daddy! Hi Mommy! Hi Dog! Hi kitty!” every day. She can add “please” to almost anything she wants because she knows I can’t resist.
Brushes teeth with help – Refuses help. Brushes own teeth.
Stacks four blocks – Next time I find some blocks, I’ll ask her.

Advanced Skills (a few kids can do)
Throws a ball overhand – She has frighteningly good aim, since most of the time she’s chucking empty yogurt containers at my head.
Takes toys apart and puts them back together – Yes. She also knows how to turn on ALL the toys that make sound.
Shows signs of toilet training readiness – Yes, as discussed previously.

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17 Responses to “Caroline: 18 Months”

  1. Erin says:

    She is such a sweet pea :) Happy one and a half Caroline!!!!

  2. Other Erin says:

    I was going to question how “llama” came up but the pictures answered my questions.

  3. the grumbles says:

    she’s so freaking cute. pixie child. and I don’t say that about just anybody’s kid.

  4. Miranda says:

    Love how cute she is!!

  5. Kimberly says:

    Happy half birthday, Caroline! She just gets cuter and sweeter with age :)

  6. Emily says:

    I LOVE the dislike of not having enough cheese. That’s pretty much how I feel about cheese, too. She’s getting cuter by the day! Happy half-birthday, Caroline!

  7. Jayme says:

    Always fun to see these monthday updates (…and half the time as my own reminder) since Lyla and Caroline were born the same day! Not gonna lie…I’m a bit envious that you’ve got her in a toddler bed already (Lyla has yet to sleep in her crib..ugh…) AND are starting potty training?! Caroline, you overachiever! ha…I kid. She looks like she’s a little sweetie. I guess Dec. 19 is a good day for cute babies!

  8. Audrey says:

    She continues to be adorable. Happy Monthday!

  9. There is hope for me yet that my independent baby will transition to the bed so easily too. Want to go garage sale hunting for toddler beds again? I think I have Saturday free. Caroline is still a ridiculously adorable genius baby. I feel like it is annoying to you for me to constantly repeat this. How do you stand all the compliments?!

    • bebehblog says:

      Are you coming to CT? We can totally go bed shopping. Er, except I’ll be in SC this weekend. Any chance you want to crash my beach trip???

      • I will go anywhere your private plane takes me. Beach? Yes, please. I really need to stop this ridiculousness and move to CT. My husband supports this crazy dream. If only jobs would magically hire him there. Other than the Navy, who is a big employer? My cousin works for UPS but DH doesn’t want to drive for a living despite the good pay and benefits.

        • bebehblog says:

          The casinos! They have every possible kind of job, from stuff with the shows/arenas to HR to a zillion janitors. Good benefits, I hear. We’ve got Pfizer, Connecticut College, and a bunch of hospitals too!

  10. Potty training?! This girl does not understand how to act her age ;)!

  11. Leah says:

    Some of the faces she is making in the last few pictures make her look so my like Evan. I do love her stylish disheveled Boho thing she’s got going on though.

    And she doesn’t like milk! Her and Wren are destined to be BFFs! Do you just feed her as much cheese as she desires and let that take care of calcium needs?

  12. Elle says:

    I think my ovaries just skipped a beat with the possibility a third ginger bebeh! Settle down cluckiness – my son is only four months!

  13. Lou Lou says:

    Wait. 18 months. As in 18? Are you sure you didn’t miscount?! SURE?! I just read about her awesome snowflake birthday party like. Yesterday no? THIS IS MADNESS!!!!!

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