Because sometimes, he doesn't cry

The good parts.

Hobo baby lost a sock

Hobo baby lost a sock

Floor time is much more fun on the new rug

Floor time is much more fun on the new rug

Whatevs, you couldn't afford anything in this Pottery Barn catalog anyways.

Whatevs, you couldn't afford anything in this Pottery Barn catalog anyways.

The ratio of toys to baby is about 100 to 1.

The ratio of toys to baby is about 100 to 1.

The dance we were doing to make him laugh totally deserved that smile.

The dance we were doing to make him laugh totally deserved that smile.

Bro, check out my shoulder surfing skills and my bitchin necklace.

Bro, check out my shoulder surfing skills and my bitchin necklace.

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7 Responses to “Because sometimes, he doesn't cry”

  1. stacyinbean says:

    Awwww, Baby E got his first piece of bling! Also, I just wanted to let you know that your baby is one of the best dressed little men I’ve seen in a long time! Those little plaid shorts are adorable!

  2. lalaland13 says:

    Of course you’re not one of those douchebags who thinks babies need jewelry. Otherwise, you would have your own show on VH1.

  3. mamajade says:

    LOL I totally thought you just wanted to pretty up your baby. (Not that he needs bling, he’s so freaking adorable I can’t stand it.) How can you not smile back at that sweet face?

    PS, I guess I should look back at previous posts to see, but what is that necklace and where can I get one? We’re having a holy molar of a time over here.

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