Allora Handmade Winner, plus EVERYTHING ELSE from my brain
The winner of Giveaway Week Day 1: Allora Handmade is…
#49 Majestic Domestic aka Bonnie!
Congrats!! I will forward your info to Jessica so she can set you up with your shop credit. I advise you to spend it on yourself and not try to do the nice thing and buy anyone a Christmas present. You’ll just resent them later because they’re wearing YOUR rosettes.
Yesterday, I had a friend tell me that although I am very very pregnant I am “all belly”. It was one of the nicest things anyone has ever said and definitely goes on the “appropriate to say to a pregnant woman” side of the list. I’m not even going to evaluate whether or not it’s true. I certainly feel very belly-ful and can also still get my non-maternity pants on – I just can’t button them. Or zip them. But my butt fits!
The glider we ordered from Babies R Us came in on Saturday. Of course it wasn’t until we got it home, up the stairs and right side up that we realized the gliding mechanism is TOTALLY defective. One of the screws is rubbing against the metal frame, making a terrible noise and preventing any sort of gliding from taking place. No, it cannot be bent back into place – trust me, we tried. E spent ALL DAY Monday trying to get a hold of the company, because it says in GIANT ORANGE LETTERS on the packaging “DO NOT RETURN TO STORE – CALL 1-800-BLAH BLAH”. So of course when they FINALLY called him back they said “Oh yeah, you should return it to the store.” Luckily, Babies R Us was willing to do an even-exchange and get us another (hopefully non-defective) one in 7-10 days. You can bet your ass we’re opening the box right there in the store to make sure it’s not all screwed up too. No way we are dragging ANOTHER chair home again just to drag it back.
(Side note: It took three different people almost a full hour to figure out HOW to do the even-exchange. One cashier literally just stared at the receipt for five full minutes while I stared at her staring. I *know* retail computer systems can be confusing but SERIOUSLY? CALL A MANAGER. OR SOMETHING. I have four different pieces of paper that show how much I paid and I don’t even want my money back.)
The new master bedroom is closer to being done than not done but we’re trapped in renovation limbo until the carpet goes in on Thursday, which means my clothes are in one room, E’s clothes are in another, there’s a banister in our guest room, bed rails in the nursery and we’re sleeping on mattresses on the floor of the 3rd floor. And by “floor” I mean bare plywood. BUT! My new closet organizer is in! I haven’t had a real closet in 3 years and am using this bedroom move to viciously edit my wardrobe down to stuff I actually wear and by actually wear I mean wear on a regular, consistent basis and not just for a couple of hours once every few months so I can feel less guilty about not giving it away.
I’ve started having nightmares about giving birth. I had them last time too, but figured since things went pretty well with Baby Evan I’d be a little calmer this time. The dreams never involve the actual BIRTH part, just weird hospital frustrations and baby mix-ups and birth certificates with “Special Snowflake Davis” on them. But they’re the kind of dreams that you wake up from just as exhausted as when you collapsed into bed after chasing around the world’s fastest toddler all day.
And because now that it’s November no one really cares about Halloween costumes anymore, this is where I share pictures of Little Evan in his costume(s).

He still thinks tiny gourds are delicious. Even ones he originally called "BALL" and threw at passersby.

There are pants that go with that costume too, but considering THIS is the meltdown that occured when I tried to get him to take a picture with me, the fight over the pants was totally not worth it.

Yes, I DID buy a second costume to dress Evan in for answering the door. There are a limited number of years you can dress up kids without their input and I'm taking FULL advantage. (Also: He is not holding a candle. Tiny LED candle-like light)

Despite this face, he actually LOVED the outfit. Except for the hat part. Why don't they make costumes without hats?
P.S. The rest of the giveaways are still open but Uff Da closes tonight!
Day 2 is open until November 2nd! Uff Da Designs
Day 3 is open until November 3rd! Taradara
Day 4 is open until November 4th! Peggy Ann Design
Day 5 is open until November 5th! aPearantly Sew
Day 6 is open until November 6th! Gussy
Day 7 is open until November 7th! A knit Phoebe Mouse…by ME!
Day 8 is open until November 8th! Hugs & Kisses Designs
Tags: baby 2, baby stuff, body, clothes, Halloween, little evan, nursery, pictures, pregnancy, renovations
If you are looking to get rid of the clothes and maybe make a dollar or two, I have had good luck consigning at Pennywise in Mystic. It’s nice because they will donate anything they don’t accept, so you don’t have to go back and pick it up. Good for lazy consigners like me!
That is an EXCELLENT tip. Thank you Merin! We used to have a place in college called Plato’s Closet where I would basically trade in all my clothes once a month for different clothes. But since getting to Connecticut I’ve become a regular at the Goodwill drop off center.
o m g the sheep costume! I love it.He looks so snuggly and cozy. Awesome job dressing him up. Take full advantage of these years :)
He looks so cute! Oh man! <3
What an adorable little monkey!
Um, I think I commented on the picture before, but it must be said twice: Cutest.Monkey.Ever.
Also, Cutest.Sheep.Ever.
And I love how into blogging you are, I really look forward to reading your posts daily. I want to be like you :o) Maybe NaBloPoMo will help me :o)
how frustrating about the return of your rocker. babies r us workers are…special. in other news, little e makes a super cute monkey AND sheep! i love that you got him two costumes!!!
That lamb costume is too much cute for one picture – add the monkey to the mix and inalmost can’t even look at this post!
I love that he has two costumes – I never thought about the fact that you only have so much time to choose their costumes without their input. My coworker’s grade-school age son chose to be a gangster this year (he lives in a po-dunk town) and she was forced to buy him a fake nose ring and some shirt that looked like tattoos. I’m not sure what kind of gangster he was, but I think that lambs and monkeys are way more fun. ;)
Awwww! Cute costumes! Niko fell asleep right before we arrived at our friends’ house to go trick or treating with them and their kid (we’d spent HOURS at a baptism and reception before that) so we just went home.
I read the reviews on your chair, and a huge amount of them had the exact problem you had.
Ugh, I KNOW they did, and yet I decided those people were just stupid and unable to use a can of WD-40 correctly and I was a special snowflake who would get the quiet, non-defective chair. I’m just glad I didn’t order it from somewhere I couldn’t drive to and return it, because the shipping cost would have been ridiculous.
I hate when things like that happen. Hate it. I think 75% of the people who make stuff have never heard of something called quality control. It would make things so much easier if they stop selling brand new broken things! I hope you manage to sort everything out without more stressing!
Cutest monkey/sheep combo in the history of halloween!
YAYY!!! So excited. I never win anything!
A lady from my internship was four-five months pregnant and was still tall, willowy, and beautiful. I wanted to say something nice like “I can’t even tell you’re pregnant” or “I’m sure you’ll be one of those lovely pregnant women who are all belly,” but I wasn’t sure how she’d take it. Good to know that “all belly” is a compliment!
Thanks again for the giveaway!!!
Seriously, why do all the little costumes have stupid hats and masks! Thats why we did what we did for MJ’s costume this year. He would go ape shit if I made him wear a hat! E is as always such a handsome little dude.
[…] chair is from Babies R Us (this one is better than the defective one, but the seat is ALREADY kind of lopsided so I don’t recommend it, no matter how comfortable […]