11 Months
I feel like this month’s birthday is going to be mostly overlooked because next month’s is SO HUGE. In just two weeks, when people ask “How old is he?” I’m going to have to start saying “almost a year old.” When you think about a year’s worth of anything it seems like a really long time. No chocolate for a year, no internet for a year, no drinking for a year, no driving for a year, no shopping for a year all sound really really hard, but when you’re actually living that year day by day it passes pretty fast. Not getting a full night’s sleep for a year sounds TERRIBLE, but I’ve almost done it. And I’ll probably do it again. Look at me already writing the 12 month post when this is the 11 month milestone. I’m going to skip right to the BabyCenter chart to save you from any more blubbering about my baby growing up sooooo faaaaaaast.
11 Month Milestones from BabyCenter
Mastered Skills (most kids can do)
• Says “mama” and “dada” to the correct parent – Uh, no. He says “mama” a LOT more than he used to but he doesn’t say “dada” very often. He does say “ba! ba! ba ba ba ba!!!” all day long.
• Plays patty-cake and peek-a-boo – He loves peek-a-boo and will play behind anything: my computer screen, the dog, the chair, a blanket, but he’s not very good with clapping yet so patty-cake is sort of pathetic.
• Stands alone for a couple of seconds – WALKS
• Cruises – WALKS
Emerging skills (half of kids can do)
• Understands “no” and simple instructions – Understands “no”, yes. LISTENS to “no”, not even a little. But he does follow simple instructions, like “bring that toy over here.” When he feels like it.
• Puts objects into a container – Puts them in, takes them out, puts them in. As long as the container is pretty big. This morning he threw his shoe in the trash and put the trash in his toy box.
Advanced skills (a few kids can do)
• Says one word besides “mama” and “dada” – See “babababa”. But he can sign “milk” and I think I saw him sign “more” and “dog”.
• Stoops from standing position – Definitely yes, he can squat without holding on to anything and stand up again. He likes doing it when he’s pooping.
So my kid really excels when it comes to physical development but is a little behind with the talking, which is the kind of thing a more high-strung mom might freak out about. If I start thinking about it too much even I get a little worried, but it’s more of a general annoyance that he doesn’t love me enough to call me Mama than a genuine concern he might be developmentally delayed in some way.
Baby Evan also has seven whole teeth with at least three more lurking just under his gums and yesterday he ate a couple of Beechnut animal crackers and part of a carrot stick. I feel like he’s right on the edge of discovering food is meant to be swallowed and one day he’ll just wake up and demand a cheeseburger and fries something really healthy and nutritious. I’m still loving baby-led weaning and highly recommend it especially if you’re as lazy as I am.
The past 11 months have been more fun, more work, more stressful and more enjoyable than any of my pre-baby life. I can’t wait to see what comes next. I apologize if the following photos hurt your uterus.
Tags: 11 months, baby evan, breastfeeding, food, milestones, photos, signing, talking, walking
Lemme comment really quickly while my ovaries are taking their cry break…. What a gorgeous kid :) I hope for our sakes you do decide to expand the family – you think Baby E has fun with the dog? Wait’ll you see him with a human football! I mean…newborn.
All wonderful pictures but I LOVE the last one…
I was a totally freaked out mom with Ethan because he did not babble…ever. He didn’t say mama or dada or ba ba ba or anything. And he still wasn’t at his 2 year well child visit. I had visions of speech therapy in our future and he would be so far behind. Then at 2 years and 3 months he said his first word, which was the alphabet. And not even in order but he would say the letters as he took the correct letter of the fridge. All this to make the very longwinded point that how much they talk now is no indication of their aptitude.
Adorable!!!! I’m so proud of you and baby Evan! This post made me cry thinking about how big they are getting. (I think I’m getting my period:)
Oh my good lord that is one great looking adorable kid.
Niko’s almost a year old and still doesn’t say actual words, although he makes word-like-noises. He understands words, though. The signing is really awesome.
Evan might like cheerios, kix cereal, those puffs that gerber makes and grocery stores and target make knock-offs of, “biter biscuits,” and freeze dried yoghurt puffs. A lot of parents I know with kids about this age, their kids want only crunchy, dry food (kibble? sure, whatevs.) and that’s what they eat. If he’s willing to take on animal crackers and carrots, he might be willing to branch out to those other things. If you want to try them. You seem to be handling The Feeding Of Evan very nicely. :D
I love your bedding. Do you remember where you got it?
Brigid – Puffs tend to go in, get mushed and come back out. But the crunchy, dry thing sounds exactly right and I bet Kix are a lot cheaper than Gerber puffs!
Confession: I took all those pictures JUST so I could show off that new bedding. It’s a duvet cover I got on Overstock.com over a down comforter also from Overstock. I needed something springy and bright after a whole winter of dark blue flannel sheets and blackout curtains.
I was totally gonna be all, “Cute kid but I love the sheets” and Brigid beat me to it. So uh, what a cute kid Baby E has become!